Reminding that violence continues in the country despite the withdrawal of the invading forces within the scope of the agreement reached between the Taliban and the USA, Demir said: “More than a thousand civilians have lost their lives in the last three months in the ongoing clashes between the Taliban and the Kabul government, and more than 950 thousand civilians have been displaced. The refusal of the parties to negotiate and their attitude that fuels the conflict worsen the situation in the country.”

Pointing out that the conflicts deepen the instability in the country as well as cause a great migration wave, Demir said: “The USA pointed out that the immigration applications of Afghans to the USA will be taken from third countries through the organizations they are affiliated with, and pointed to Turkey for immigration. The USA, which left behind civil war and destruction after twenty years of occupation, is now trying to make the countries of the region pay for its Afghanistan policy. Faced with a new wave of refugees, Iran, Pakistan, and Turkey must act together to resolve the Afghanistan crisis. An unconditional ceasefire must be mediated for security and stability in Afghanistan. It is not possible for this war to end unless the conflicting parties in Afghanistan put the interests of the Afghan people before their own interests.”

Pointing out that the zionist occupation regime, which has turned Palestine into an open-air prison and committed crimes against humanity against Palestinians, has increased its harassment against the countries of the region, Demir said: “The Zionist invaders, who carried out airstrikes against the countries of the region with the courage of not being subjected to any sanction despite the genocide they committed, have finally targeted the Lebanese lands and increased threats of attack against Iran.”

“Strong and deterrent steps should be taken against the attacks of the zionist regime”

Demir said: “The occupation regime takes the courage of its banditry not only from its international supporters but also from the countries of the region that have signed the betrayal of normalization for the sake of economic and political interests. The collaborationist regimes that turn their backs on Palestine are also silent on the new genocide plans of the zionist occupation regime. The crimes committed by the Zionists should not be left unanswered, and strong and deterrent reactions should be given to their attacks in order to prevent the spread of strife and turmoil, which the Zionists are trying to fuel, to the entire region.” (ILKHA)