Another witness of PKK’s persecutions in villages and cities in Kurdistan of Turkey in the 90s is Gera Cafer village of Dargecit town of Mardin province.  Gera Cafer (Altinoluk village) that 15 innocent Kurds were martyred by PKK bullets, we are listening to the heroic resistance against PKK persecution from witnesses.

Speaking to Ilke News Agency about the PKK persecution in Altinoluk village of Dargecit, relatives of martyrs haven’t still forgotten the pains they experienced. We have asked about the first martyr of Altinoluk Abdurrahman Kaya from his brother Haci Ahmet. Haci Ahmet said PKK murdered his brother brutally because PKK doesn’t want Islam in the region.

Molla Abdurrahman was murdered by PKK in 1991 in Caliskan village that is 15 kilometers away from Altinoluk. Molla Abdurrahman’s house was raided by PKK suddenly on a night; PKK militants murdered him after they cut his fingers and tortured him for hours. Kaya’s body that was murdered in front of his pregnant wife was put outside and PKK even didn’t let them bury the martyr’s body.

“My brother was murdered by the apostate organization for giving Quran lessons”

Martyr Molla Abdurrahman Kaya’s Brother Haci Ahmet Kaya said 'his brother started to get Qur’an lessons since his childhood and after completing his military service he got married. Haci Ahmet described Molla Abdurrahman’s life by saying: “After he got married he went to Hestwan village to work as imam. But 2 months later, he was murdered by the apostate PKK organization there. My brother was martyred by PKK because he was teaching Quran in the mosque. He was working as Imam to help people to find the right path. Everyone knew him, loved him. He would never break anyone’s heart. He would just enjoy what is in Qur’an and Sunnah. The PKK martyred my brother because they didn’t want Islam in the region. He would always recommend us to obey Allah.”

Haci Ahmet indicated; “If those who murdered my brother become Muslim will be our brothers, but if they stand against Islam then we will stand against them and fight them until we lose our lives. We want, what our martyrs wanted. We will follow their way.”

Altinoluk villages first martyrs Suleyman Solmaz’s wife Emine Solmaz said: “Thank Allah we are not regretting because we follow his footsteps. We all will go from their ways. I don’t afraid of infidels.”

Altinoluk’s martyr who is sayyed: Suleyman Solmaz

Standing against the PKK’s persecution in the 90s, Seyyid Suleyman Solmaz was martyred in 1993 when he was 50 years old. Despite all the pressure from his relatives, he didn’t step back from his attitude. Despite his old age he served for Islam and primarily to children he taught Kuran to everyone.

Martyr Suleyman Solmaz’s wife Emine Solmaz, indicated that they moved to the village from another village and they joined the Islamic case together with villagers and served for Islam, that is why he was martyred. Indicating that she does not regret and raised her children within their father's values, Emine  Solmaz said that they were never afraid of infidels and will never be afraid of them.

“We all will follow their footsteps”

Indicating that the rest of the villagers also want to be martyrs Emine Solmaz continued as follows: “My martyr husband wouldn’t harm anyone. Keeping the promise that he gave to his Muslim brothers he stood against the PKK’s persecution together with Haci Mehmet Ugurtay. Despite his relatives in Yemisli warn him about the dangers and recommend him to move from the village, he didn’t leave his friends alone. As a Muslim person, he was sending his children to the mosque to learn Islam and Kuran. Like his other friends, he refused what PKK wanted from him and in the end, the massacres martyred him. When he was martyred, his children were very young. He would recommend us a lot about children. He wanted us to grow our children on the way of Islam. They didn’t let him grow his children. Thank Allah we do not regret it because of all. We all will follow in the footsteps of martyrs. We don’t afraid of these infidels and hypocrites. I hope Allah will also reward us with martyrdom. “

“When my father was martyred, I was 11 years old”

Indicating that he was 11 years old when his father was martyred, Suleyman Solmaz’s son Mehmet Emin, said: “They martyred my father when I was 11 years old. They martyred my father because he didn’t accept their ideology and because he was Muslim. They were persecuting us because they were asking us to send the children to the mountains to join PKK. But we told them that we don’t accept their ideology and we will continue the Islamic case. When they martyred my father he was 50 years, he was very merciful to us and he would always recommend us consistently to pursue the Islamic case.”

To be continued… (ILKHA)