“We will be holding our 4th Ordinary Grand Congress on the 2nd of June. We hope that this Congress will be the means of benefits and victories for us and our people,” tweeted İshak Sağlam, the chairman of HÜDA PAR.

The congress will be held in the capital Ankara at the Atatürk Sport and Exhibition Hall on Wednesday.

The HÜDA PAR holds its ordinary congress once every three years. The last ordinary congress was held on October 7, 2018.

At the congress, İshak Sağlam was elected as the new chairman of the party.

Based largely in southeastern Turkey, HÜDA PAR, which was founded on 17 December 2012, announced its entrance into politics to protect the peace, justice, and brotherhood.

The party opened its general headquarters in Ankara on 9 January 2013.

Societies affiliated with HÜDA-PAR operate under the umbrella organization Lovers of Prophet particularly active in Kurdish Mawlid meetings.

HÜDA-PAR calls for the constitutional recognition of the Kurds and Kurdish language, mother tongue education, the end to the 10 percent election threshold, and the decentralization of state power and strengthening of local administration.

The party also advocates for restrictions on the freedom of religion and worship to be lifted, the headscarf ban ended, wants adultery criminalized, and religious marriages to be recognized. Moreover, the party demands that the Turkish state apologizes to Kurds and reinstate the original names of Kurdish-populated places.

The party also demands the decentralization of state power and the strengthening of local administration.

The party has largely been silent on the question of Kurdish autonomy or independence from Turkey.

According to some political analysts, the party wants to form “a third way for those Kurds who are not happy with the AKP and the leftist HDP.” (ILKHA)