“During the last aggression and over the course of 11 continuous days, the Israeli occupation army bombed dozens of homes and housing units directly and deliberately and destroyed them over the heads of their residents, which exterminated entire families and wiped them off the civil registry system,” ICHR underscored.

“The Euro-Mediterranean Human Rights Monitor said on May 20, 2021, that it had documented 31 incidents of direct bombardment that targeted extended families — including 21 incidents in which homes were bombed over the heads of their residents, two incidents of targeting gatherings, two incident of targeting cars, and two incidents of bombing farms,” ICHR cited information from Euro-Med.

“The Monitor says that the Israeli occupation army’s air raids that targeted the families resulted, until May 20, 2021, in the death of 96 people, including 44 children and 28 women, as well as a man with his wife and his girl child, and mothers with their children, and brothers with their children. There are also seven mothers who were killed along with four or three of their children.”

ICHR also cited Amnesty International as saying that “there is a horrific pattern emerging of Israel launching airstrikes in Gaza targeting residential buildings and family homes – in some cases entire families were buried beneath the rubble when the buildings they lived in collapsed.”

ICHR called on the International Criminal Court (ICC) to necessarily conduct a criminal investigation into the crimes of aggression and war and the crimes against humanity that had been committed by the Israeli occupation army in the Gaza Strip.

It also urged ICC to investigate Israel’s apartheid and persecution crimes and the crimes against humanity that the Palestinians are still exposed to in the occupied Palestinian territories and inside the 1948 occupied lands. (ILKHA)