In a televised interview with Al Jazeera TV, Haniyeh stressed that all Palestinians everywhere united behind the option of resistance for the sake of Jerusalem and the Al Aqsa Mosque.

'This battle has brought the Palestinian cause to the front at the regional and international levels,' Haniyeh noted.

Haniyeh saluted all Palestinian resistance movements and Al Qassam Brigades’ chief of staff Mohammed Deif. 

On the last day of the Sword of Al Quds battle, mediators have intensified their efforts to reach a ceasefire, Haniyeh revealed.

Haniyeh reiterated that his movement would not accept entering into direct negotiation with the Israeli occupation of Jerusalem, as it “represents religious, ideological, and political symbolism.”

The Palestinian resistance refused a unilateral ceasefire before Egypt proposed a mutual and simultaneous ceasefire, Haniyeh explained, adding: “We agreed to that proposal on condition that it is announced two hours before it takes effect.”      

Haniyeh pointed out that the Israeli occupation threatened to bomb three high-rises a few hours before the ceasefire came into effect.

However, the Palestinian resistance sent a message through mediators warning the Israeli occupation to backtrack on its threats, Haniyeh continued.

“The threats of (the Qassam Brigades spokesperson) Abu Obaida compelled the Israeli occupation to agree to a ceasefire because it knows that the Palestinian resistance doesn’t issue empty warnings,” Haniyeh said.     

Haniyeh affirmed that the “Sword of Al-Quds” battle delivered a “powerful blow” to the “deal of the century”, which aimed to liquidate the Palestinian cause.

“This battle has brought the Palestinian cause to the front at the regional and international levels,” Haniyeh noted.

Haniyeh called for restructuring the Palestinian House, starting by rearranging the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) and allowing Palestinians in the diaspora to participate in the national institutions and the Palestinian decision-making process.

He added: “We want to achieve the Palestinian unity to face off the settlement activity, protect Jerusalem, uphold the right of return, release Palestinian detainees, and set up a Palestinian vision based on partnership.’  

The Hamas chief confirmed that Jerusalem is the core of the Palestinian struggle with the Israeli occupation and that his movement will not accept desecrating the Al-Aqsa Mosque by the Israeli occupation.”

“Our message that Jerusalem is a red line was delivered to the Americans and the Israeli occupation,” Haniyeh added.

He pointed out that the Palestinian resistance resorted to military action after it used up all popular and mass means.

Haniyeh called for urgently intervening and providing aid for the reconstruction of the Gaza Strip.

He reaffirmed his movement’s rejection of politicizing the reconstruction effort and American blackmail in this regard.

Haniyeh expressed his movement’s readiness to facilitate the reconstruction effort in the Gaza Strip.

“We welcome any effort to reconstruct Gaza and the Egyptian and Qatari efforts in this regard,” he added.   

Haniyeh pointed out that he would discuss the reconstruction effort in his forthcoming visit to Cairo and the Jerusalem issue and internal Palestinian affairs.

Haniyeh voiced his appreciation for the widespread popular solidarity with the Palestinian people in Europe and the United States and the slight shift in the official stances of some states.

“We will deal with any positive shift towards the Palestinian cause and the resistance factions with positivity,” he added.  

The top Hamas official thanked all nations, parties, and organizations supportive of the Palestinian cause.

“We owe the Arab and Muslim people who took out to the streets in Jordan, Lebanon, Iraq, Kuwait, Libya, and Tukey among others to voice their solidarity with the Palestinians,” he concluded. (ILKHA)