Drawing attention to the milestones in Turkey’s transition to multi-party system, Erdoğan said: “The 1960 coup, the first of the coup series that made Turkey pay heavy prices politically, socially and economically, is still a bleeding wound in our nation’s heart after more than 60 years.”

“We have discovered oil in three new wells in the last month alone”

Noting that he expects a major recovery in the economy this year, Erdoğan stated that Turkey has gained significant momentum in oil and natural gas exploration in recent years.

“After the 405 billion cubic meters of natural gas we discovered in the Black Sea, we have started to get results also from the works we have been conducting in land areas. In addition to the newly-opened wells, we have also begun oil production from wells on which concrete was poured before by saying they had no oil. We have discovered oil in three new wells in the last month alone.”

Highlighting that Turkish Petroleum’s average daily domestic output exceeded 61 thousand barrels in 2021 with Turkey’s last three discoveries, Erdoğan added that investments continue in a bid to further expand the existing natural gas networks across the country. (ILKHA)