Haneyya offered his sincere thanks and gratitude to Sheikh Al Thani and the Qataris for their official and popular stands in support of the Palestinians and their legitimate rights.

He appreciated Qatar’s diplomatic efforts that contributed to halting the Israeli attacks on the Palestinian people and reaching a ceasefire agreement in Gaza, a Hamas statement said.

The Hamas leader briefed the Emir on the events that began with the zionist attacks on Al-Aqsa Mosque, Jerusalemites, and the Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood, according to the statement.

For his part, the Emir of Qatar affirmed his country's continued support for the Palestinians and their just cause, stressing the importance of the unity of the Palestinian ranks to obtain their legitimate national rights, foremost of which is their right to establish their independent state with Jerusalem as its capital.

They also discussed the latest developments in the situation in Palestine and the efforts to rebuild Gaza. (ILKHA)