The series features the robustness of Turkey’s healthcare system through the vaccination process carried out across the country, which is one of the most important stages in the fight against Covid-19.

Director of Communications Altun shared the first film in the series, in which Abdullah Adıgüzel, a Van resident, talked about his experience receiving Covid-19 vaccination.

Stating in his post that they had reached out to every province, from Edirne to Kars, with the same endeavor and sincerity, under the slogan 'Let the people live so the state lives', Altun said: “In the words of a senior citizen of ours, Abdullah Adıgüzel, ‘There is no other Turkey. May Allah let our state be everlasting, and our nation great always.’”

Healthcare services reach even the most remote places

The vaccination stories of the citizens in the villages of Erzurum, Sivas, Van, and Tunceli provinces were covered in the film series "In Love with These Lands" by their own narration.

The film series depicted the vaccination experiences of people over the age of 60, whose turn for vaccination had come, against the backdrop of the places, towns, and family environments they lived in, emphasizing that healthcare services were brought to even the most remote villages of Turkey with a complete and flawless system.

Foreigners also told about the robustness of Turkey’s healthcare system

The series also featured foreigners who had been living in Balıkesir, İzmir, Muğla, and Antalya for many years after settling in these regions, and whose turn for vaccination had come, and they described the robustness and competence of Turkey’s healthcare system.

The positive evaluations of foreigners about the Turkish healthcare system were included in the series. Italian, German, British, and Greek couples settled in Balıkesir, İzmir, Muğla, and Antalya objectively compared their country's and Turkey’s healthcare systems. (ILKHA)