“According to the latest report published by the UN's Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and World Food Programme (WFP), while the people in Yemen and South Sudan are struggling with hunger, an estimated 34 million people in more than 20 other countries are ‘one step away from hunger’” Sağlam said.

“According to World Food Program officials, three factors are needed to prevent more than 30 million people from starving. These are an end to wars, greater access to vulnerable communities, and increased donations to poor countries.”

Sağlam urged international organizations and especially rich countries to take swift action to end this tragedy and provide the necessary assistance to save these people from starvation.

Fire in the Balukhali refugee camp and the tragedy of Rohingya refugees

Reminding that at least fifteen people died and 400 were missing after a huge fire destroyed the shanty homes of tens of thousands of Rohingya in the world’s biggest refugee settlement in Bangladesh, Sağlam continued as follows: “While 10 thousand shelters were destroyed in the fire, 55 thousand people were affected by the disaster. 1.2 million Rohingya, who have been subjected to pressure and persecution by the fascist administration and Buddhist gangs in Myanmar, take shelter in Bangladesh and struggle to survive in difficult conditions. The refugees, some of whom were imprisoned on the island of Bhasan Char, are now deprived of shelter due to the fire and their living conditions have worsened. Immediate measures should be taken to guarantee the humane living conditions for the refugees who had to take shelter in Bangladesh.”

Sağlam emphasized that the refugees who have been relocated to remote Bhasan Char island should be transferred to the safe areas.

“Then, the safe return of the refugees who had to flee from Myanmar due to ethnic cleansing and genocide should be ensured. The protection of Rohingya Muslims' ethnic identity and beliefs, their fundamental rights and freedoms should be guaranteed by the international community and Myanmar authorities who committed genocide should be punished.”

Drawing attention to the U.S.-Mexico border migrant crisis, Sağlam said: “There is a growing human tragedy on the Mexican border of the USA. It is stated that the number of unaccompanied migrant children who have to live in very difficult conditions and in tents exceeds 15 thousand. The situation in the camps is not fully known due to a lack of media coverage.” (ILKHA)