“Regional issues and steps to strengthen the Turkey-Germany and Turkey-European Union (EU) relations were discussed during the videoconference, which took place ahead of the AK Party’s 7th Ordinary Grand Congress,” Turkish presidency said in a statement.

Erdoğan indicated that the positive reflection of giving dialogue prominence in Turkey-EU relations was seen by all.

“I think the personal contribution of Chancellor Merkel has played a significant role in the creation of such atmosphere,” Erdoğan added.

Underscoring that necessary efforts should be exerted in order for the current situation not to be undermined by some member countries that failed to understand the value of the Türkiye-EU relations, Erdoğan voiced his expectation that the report to be submitted to the EU Summit would reflect the proposals concerning the future of the Türkiye-EU relations from an objective and constructive perspective in the direction of a positive agenda.

Erdoğan pointed out that the works to update the March 18 Memorandum should be carried out with a holistic approach, addressing such issues as visa liberalization, update of the Customs Union, and opening of negotiation chapters.

Stating that Türkiye had shown with determination that it was in favor of cooperation, not tension, in the Aegean and the Eastern Mediterranean, Erdoğan said that Greece should be urged in order for the dialogue to be maintained in an effective way.

Chancellor Merkel, for her part, congratulated President Erdoğan on the AK Party’s 7th Ordinary Grand Congress. (ILKHA)