“Jerusalem is not just a city or a capital; it is the spirit of an extended Islamic nation and a symbol of its unity and dignity. Its liberation, therefore, was different from any previous victories as it was the declaration of the defeat of a Western coloniser, which had always sought to undermine the Muslim world’s dignity and will by conquering its first Qibla,” Salah stated.

“In light of the harsh conditions facing the holy city, including a mass Judaization campaign, resilient Palestinian Jerusalemites are fighting off all forms of attacking Jerusalem, Israeli settlers’ raids into al-Aqsa Mosque, and attempts to divide the Muslim sacred compound spatially and timely, in addition to the ill-fated US recognition of the holy city as the capital of the israeli occupation state.”

Salah went on to say: “Meanwhile, a number of organizations and centers have declared the Jerusalem International Week, which will be marked on the last week of Rajab, the seventh month of the Islamic calendar. This proves that the Jerusalem issue is deemed as, despite all tragedies, a top priority for every Muslim, as it has always been so throughout history.”

“Scholars today are leading a campaign of raising awareness; they convene and declare the Jerusalem International Week in a show of support to the holy city,” Salah noted.

“We, the Palestinian Islamic Resistance Movement Hamas, hail this announcement and call on every supporter of Hamas and those who believe in its project to participate in the proposed activities to mark the Jerusalem International Week,” he stressed.

“We consider this as a true opportunity to raise awareness of the dangers facing Jerusalem,” he concluded. (ILKHA)
