According to the statement, agriculture-PPI (2015=100) increased by 2.72% compared to the previous month, increased by 17.52% compared to December of the previous year, increased by 17.52% compared to the same month of the previous year, and increased by 9.85% compared to twelve months averages, in December 2020.

Monthly changes with respect to the previous month by main groups, goods, and services contributing to the agricultural investment index increased by 2.23%, and goods and services currently consumed in the agricultural index increased by 2.80%. The goods and services currently consumed in the agricultural index increased by 17.03% and goods and services contributing to the agricultural investment index increased by 20.58% compared to the same month of the previous year.

The highest annual increase was realized 37.96% in the maintenance of materials subgroup

The other subgroups that indicated a high increase were farm buildings (non-residential) with 27.00% and animal feedingstuffs with 25.24%. On the other hand, seed and planting stock with 2.07% and veterinary expenses with 2.83% and energy; lubricants with 4.06% were the subgroups where low annual increases realized.

The highest monthly increase was 4.08% in the maintenance of materials subgroup

By the other subgroups that indicated a high increase was animal feedingstuffs with 3.59% and maintenance of buildings with 3.40%. On the other hand, veterinary expenses with 0.37%, seeds and planting stocks with 0.49%, and other goods and services with 0.51% were the subgroups where low monthly increases realized. (ILKHA)