The male population was 41 million 915 thousand 985 people and the female population was 41 million 698 thousand 377 people. While 50.1% of the total population were males, 49.9% of the total population were females.

According to the results of the Address Based Population Registration System (ABPRS), the foreign population residing in Turkey decreased by 197 thousand 770 people and became 1 million 333 thousand 410 people. 49.7% of this population were males and 50.3% of this population were females.

The annual population growth rate of Turkey was 5.5 in thousands

The annual population growth rate decreased to 5.5 per thousand in 2020 from 13.9 per thousand in 2019.

The proportion of the population living in province and district centers was 93%

The proportion of the population residing in province and district centers, which was 92.8% in 2019, became 93% in 2020. Besides, the proportion of the population living in towns and villages decreased to 7% from 7.2%.

The population of İstanbul became 15 million 462 thousand 452 people

The population residing in İstanbul decreased by 56 thousand 815 people compared to the previous year and declined to 15 million 462 thousand 452 people. İstanbul, constituting 18.49% of Turkey's population, was followed by Ankara with 5 million 663 thousand 322 inhabitants, İzmir with 4 million 394 thousand 694 inhabitants, Bursa with 3 million 101 thousand 833 inhabitants, and Antalya with 2 million 548 thousand 308 inhabitants.

The least populated province was Bayburt with 81 thousand 910

Bayburt was the least populated province with 81 thousand 910 inhabitants. This province was followed by Tunceli with 83 thousand 443 inhabitants, Ardahan with 96 thousand 161 inhabitants, Gümüşhane with 141 thousand 702 inhabitants and Kilis with 142 thousand 792 inhabitants.

Structural change in the population pyramid continued

Population pyramids are the graphs that show the changes in the age-sex structure of the population. When the population pyramids of Turkey were compared for the years 2007 and 2020, it was seen that the elderly population and median age increased due to the decline in the fertility and mortality rates.

The median age of Turkey's population increased to 32.7

The median age is the age of the person in the middle when the ages of all people in the population are sorted from the new-born baby to the oldest. Median age is also one of the important indicators used in the interpretation of the age structure of the population.

The median age of the population in Turkey increased to 32.7 in 2020 from 32.4 in 2019. When it was analyzed by sex, it was seen that the median age increased from 31.7 to 32.1 for males while it increased from 33.1 to 33.4 for females.

While Sinop had the highest median age, Şanlıurfa had the lowest median age

When the median age was examined by provinces, it was seen that Sinop had the highest median age with 41.4. This province was followed by Balıkesir and Kastamonu with 40.6. On the other side, Şanlıurfa had the lowest median age with 20.4. This province was followed by Şırnak with 21.2 and Ağrı with 22.3.

Sinop had the highest median age for both males and females

When the median age was examined by sex and provinces, it was seen that, for the male population, Sinop had the highest median age with 40.2 and Şanlıurfa had the lowest median age with 20. For the female population, Sinop had the highest median age with 42.7 while Şanlıurfa and Şırnak had the lowest median age with 20.9.

The proportion of the population in the working-age group was 67.7%

The proportion of the working-age population aged 15-64 increased from 66.5% in 2007 to 67.7% in 2020. On the other hand, the proportion of child population aged 0-14 decreased from 26.4% to 22.8% and the proportion of population aged 65 and over increased from 7.1% to 9.5%.

The total age dependency ratio increased

The total age dependency ratio, which indicates the total number of children and elderly people per person of working age, increased from 47.5% in 2019 to 47.7% in 2020.

The child dependency ratio, which indicates the total number of children per person of working age, decreased from 34.1% to 33.7%. The elderly dependency ratio, which indicates the number of people aged 65 and over per person in working age, increased from 13.4% to 14.1%. In other words, every 100 people of working age were responsible for 33.7 children and 14.1 elders in Turkey for 2020.

The number of people per square kilometer was 109 for Turkey and 2 thousand 976 for İstanbul

The population density, which is the number of persons per square kilometer, increased by 1 person compared to 2019 and reached 109 in 2020. İstanbul had the highest population density with 2 thousand 976 persons per square kilometer. This province was followed by Kocaeli with 553 persons and İzmir with 366 persons.

On the other side, similar to the previous year, Tunceli was the province that had the smallest population density with 11 persons per square kilometer. This province was followed by Ardahan and Erzincan with 20 persons.

The population density of Konya which has the largest surface area was 58 and the population density of Yalova which has the smallest surface area was 326. (ILKHA)