“It is our shared responsibility to maintain the safety and security of everyone, including protestors and public and private property,” Barzani said.

He urged protesters and those at home to be patient in overcoming hurdles.

Barzani went on to say: “For many months now we have worked hard to reach a fair constitutional settlement with the federal government. We have not left any excuses for Baghdad to fail to deliver it is obligations to Kurdistan. Regrettably, the federal government has not shown flexibility in our talks. Baghdad has not paid any budget share to Kurdistan for six months this year. We have not lost hope with Baghdad yet.”

Barzani said that the Kurdistan Regional Government’s delegation would return to Baghdad today for talks.

“The sacrifices we have all paid for the federal autonomy we hold dear should not be sold out now for short term gains. The KRG’s finances have already been hit by the coronavirus pandemic, internal revenues and oil prices.”

“Rest assured that we will continue to seek a reasonable, constitutional solution to the budgetary issues with Baghdad. The KRG will continue to work hard to address these issues and continue with our reforms to reduce costs, increase revenues, and improve governance,” Barzani added.

The demonstrations and riots erupted on December 2 against the Kurdistan Regional Government in Sulaymaniyah Governorate in Iraqi Kurdistan.

Demonstrators have taken to the streets to demonstrate against the political leadership, high unemployment rate, lack of public services and employs didn’t get salary from few months.

The demonstrators set fire to several government buildings, including offices of the Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP) and the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK).

9 people, including one KDP member, have so far killed during the protests, according to local sources. (ILKHA)
