Referring to the outcome of the US presidential election, Rouhani said: “The harmful, incorrect policies of the US government in the last three years has been condemned by not only peoples around the world, but also the American people in the recent elections.”

Rouhani went on to say: “Now is the time for the next administration of the United States to make up for past mistakes and return to the path of adherence to international obligations and respecting global regulations”.

Rouhani added: “The Islamic Republic of Iran has always adhered to its obligations if all other parties do so in a responsible manner, and we consider constructive interaction with the world as our strategy”.

Emphasizing the victory of the Iranian nation's resistance in the economic war imposed by the US government, Rouhani said: “With their heroic resistance to the imposed economic war, the Iranian people have proved that the US policy of maximum pressure is doomed to failure”. (ILKHA)