Addressing AK Party's parliamentary group meeting, President Erdoğan pointed to the 320 billion cubic meters of natural gas reserve the Fatih vessel discovered, and said: “New good news is coming from the ongoing drilling activities of the Fatih. We will inshallah go on board the Fatih drilling vessel on Saturday, see the works on site and announce the new reserve amount.”

“We have effectively used the channels of diplomacy”

Drawing attention to recent phone and videoconference calls he held with world leaders, Erdoğan said regional and global issues were addressed during those calls and that channels of diplomacy were effectively used on such issues as the Eastern Mediterranean, Libya, Syria and Azerbaijan.

Underscoring that he laid bare during every call he held that Turkey will not allow new humanitarian tragedies in Syria, Erdoğan noted that Turkey has also proven with the uncompromising stance it has taken up that plans that disregard the rights and interests of Turkey and the Turkish Cypriots in the Eastern Mediterranean have no chance of being implemented.

“We will continue to give Greece and the Greek Cypriot side the answers they deserve on the ground”

Stating that the Yavuz vessel, which was carrying out drilling activities in the region, will return to mission in the Mediterranean after its maintenance is over, Erdoğan said: “The Oruç Reis seismic research vessel has returned to mission in the Mediterranean after its maintenance has been completed. The Barbaros Hayrettin Paşa vessel is already continuing its seismic research works in the Mediterranean. We will continue to give Greece and the Greek Cypriot side, which have failed to deliver on the promises they gave during the talks held at the European Union and NATO platforms, the answers they deserve on the ground. The Kanuni, the latest vessel we have included in our country’s drilling vessel fleet, has set off for its mission in the Black Sea following its maintenance works. We await good news from the activities of the Kanuni, which will arrive at the designated drilling field after it will stop off in Istanbul first and then in Zonguldak.”

Pointing to the 320 billion cubic meters of natural gas reserve the Fatih vessel discovered, Erdoğan added: “New good news is coming from the ongoing drilling activities of the Fatih. We will inshallah go on board the Fatih drilling vessel on Saturday, see the works on site and announce the new reserve amount.”

“We stand ready to provide our Azerbaijani brothers and sisters with any kind of support”

Also touching upon Azerbaijan’s struggle it is putting up to save its lands that are under Armenia’s occupation, Erdoğan noted that the Minsk Group, which is responsible for settling the issue, must put an end to its delaying tactics and leave these lands to their rightful owners.

Responding to the claims that Syrian fighters have been sent to Azerbaijan, Erdoğan said: “We do not have such an intention. We stand ready to provide our Azerbaijani brothers and sisters with any kind of support, and we will do so.”

Also recalling the opening of two main streets and the beach of the Maraş region, which had been closed since 1974 Peace Operation, for the use of the Turkish Cypriots, Erdoğan said: “It should be known that the Closed Maraş region belongs to the Turkish Cypriots. There is no need to make any speculations about it.” (ILKHA)