The United Arab Emirates (UAE) and Bahrain's foreign ministers signed on Tuesday a normalization agreement with the Zionist regime at the White House on Tuesday, establishing full ties in violation of the Arab Peace Initiative.

The text of the charter — published on “” — states: "Believing in the justice of the Palestinian cause and following my responsibility towards it, I am honored to sign the Palestine Charter, under which I affirm that Palestine is an occupied Arab state and its liberation is a duty.”

"The Zionist entity is an occupying and racist entity and a usurper of our Aqsa Mosque and the land of Palestine, and all forms of normalization is a betrayal,” the text reads further.

The charter has been endorsed by many pro-Palestine organizations, including the BDS movement, the Gulf Coalition Against Normalization and the Emirati League Against Normalization.

The hashtag #Palestine_Charter in Arabic is also circulating on Twitter, condemning the US-brokered normalization deals. (ILKHA)