Speaking at a publicity meeting for Türkiye Sigorta, Erdoğan said: “The pandemic, while upending the global balances, has also opened new windows of opportunities for countries like Turkey that have a high production capacity. With its geographical location and strong infrastructure as well as the resistance it has developed against shocks, Turkey is one of the most advantageous countries to seize these opportunities. As I have previously said, Turkey will emerge stronger from the pandemic in economy besides other areas.”

“We have enabled our country to regain its economic independence”

Drawing attention to the economic independence Turkey has regained after paying off its $23.5 billion debt to the IMF, Erdoğan said: “We have entered a new era in economy, especially after the July 15 coup attempt. We are now able to fearlessly defend our country’s rights and interests on various fronts thanks to the self-confidence gained over the past 18 years.”

“The pandemic has opened new windows of opportunities for countries like Turkey”

Erdoğan stated: “Turkey’s achievement of its goals is dependent on its successful finalization of the fight against COVID-19 as well as its strict commitment to unity and solidarity. The pandemic, while upending the global balances, has also opened new windows of opportunities for countries like Turkey that have a high production capacity. With its geographical location and strong infrastructure as well as the resistance it has developed against shocks, Turkey is one of the most advantageous countries to seize these opportunities. As I have previously said, Turkey will emerge stronger from the pandemic in economy besides other areas.” (ILKHA)