Delivering a speech at a popular conference to face off the zionist annexation, al-Arouri said that his movement did not oppose using political and diplomatic means to face off the occupation, urging the Palestinian Authority to cut all ties with the zionist occupation.

“We are ready to pay a price and make sacrifices,” added al-Arouri.

Al-Arouri called on all Palestinian factions to “put their differences aside and work together” to thwart the Israeli annexation of the occupied West Bank. 

“We shouldn’t be preoccupied by our internal differences while the Israeli occupation is taking over Jerusalem and the West Bank,” al-Arouri continued.

Al-Arouri stressed that the Israeli occupation would fail to implement its plan to annex the occupied West Bank, reiterating that the Palestinian people would continue their struggle against the occupation until restoring all of their rights.

US President Donald Trump’s unlimited support to the zionist occupation coupled with some Arab regimes scrambling to normalize ties with it has deceived the Israeli occupation into believing that it could break the Palestinian will, al-Arouri added. (ILKHA)