Mehmet Ali Aysu, one of the members of the Advisory Board of the Orphans Foundation, who gave information about the work done on the occasion of World Orphans Day, emphasized that Muslims should take care of orphans based on the value that Islam gives to orphans.

“15th of Ramadan is marked as World Orphans Day in Islamic World”

Aysu said: “May Allah make the month of Ramadan, which we are in now, beneficial to all Muslims and help them to eliminate their troubles. The month of Ramadan is a very important month for Muslims. 15th of Ramadan is marked as World Orphans Day in Islamic World. As the Orphans Foundation, we could not remain insensitive to the orphan and therefore visited the orphan children in order to create the awareness about the day of orphans. And we tried to delight them with gifts.

“Orphans must always be looked after”

Speaking on the great importance that Islam attaches orphans, Aysu stated: As Orphans Foundation, we look after orphans not only on the 15th of Ramadan but 365 days of the year and try to help. Because our Lord loves orphans very much, he has also brought the beloved Prophet into the world as an orphan. The Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, said, ‘Myself and the caretaker of an orphan will be in Paradise like this,’ and he held his two fingers together. May My Lord make us one of his servants who take care of the orphans.” (ILKHA)