551 people have died from coronavirus pandemic in the past 24 hours in Spain, increasing the country’s death toll from the virus to 19,130.

The country has so far reported 182,816 confirmed cases, an increase of 6,599 cases in the last 24 hours.

As a country with the second-highest coronavirus cases after the U.S., Spain has reported more than 88,889 active cases.

The country also has the third-highest death toll after the U.S. and Italy.

While at least 7,371 hospitalized people are in intensive care, 74,797 patients have been discharged from hospitals after being cured.

The number of infected is considered to be higher than the confirmed tally due to lack of testing; only those with severe symptoms are offered tests and this likely lags symptom onset by as much as a week.

The total number of infected could be ten times higher than confirmed cases, or even more than that.

Deaths are also underestimated, because some people are not tested before they die due to health system failure and many elderly people are dying at home or in nursing homes without being diagnosed with the virus. (ILKHA)