According to the statement, in January-February 2020 period, exports were 29 billion 357 million dollars with 4.1% increase and imports were 36 billion 841 million dollars with 14.3% increase compared with January-February 2019.

The foreign trade deficit increased by 72.0% in February 2020

In February 2020 foreign trade deficit was 2 billion 981 million dollars with a 72.0% increase compared with February 2019. In February 2020, exports coverage imports was 83.1% while it was 89.2% in February 2019.

The foreign trade deficit increased by 86.0% in January-February 2020

 In January-February 2020 period, foreign trade deficit was 7 billion 484 million dollars with a 86.0% increase compared with January-February 2019. In January-February 2020 period, exports coverage imports was 79.7% while it was 87.5% in January-February 2019.

Export, import and balance, February 2020

The ratio of manufacturing industries products in total exports was 95.0% in February 2020

In February 2020, according to economic activities, the ratios of manufacturing industries products, agriculture, forestry and fishing, mining and quarrying in total exports were 95.0%, 3.2%, 1.2%, respectively.

In January-February 2020 period, according to economic activities, the ratios of manufacturing industries products, agriculture, forestry and fishing, mining and quarrying in total exports were 94.5%, 3.6%, 1.5%, respectively.

 The ratio of intermediate goods in total imports was 76.2% in February 2020

In February 2020, according to the BEC classification, the ratios of intermediate goods, capital goods and consumption goods in total imports were 76.2%, 12.4%, 11.1%,  respectively.

In January-February 2020 period, according to the BEC classification, the ratios of intermediate goods, capital goods and consumption goods in total imports were 77.2%, 12.2%, 10.2%, respectively.

The main partner for exports was Germany in February 2020

In February 2020, the main partner country for exports was Germany with 1 billion 341 million dollars. The country was followed by Iraq with 906 million dollars, the United Kingdom with 857 million dollars, Italy with 766 million dollars and USA with 740 million dollars. The ratio of the first five countries in total exports was 31.5% in February 2020.

 In January-February 2020 period, the main partner country for exports was Germany with 2 billion 755 million dollars. The country was followed by the United Kingdom with 1 billion 725 million dollars, Iraq with 1 billion 722 million dollars, Italy with 1 billion 650 million dollars and USA with 1 billion 486 million dollars. The ratio of the first five countries in total exports was 31.8% in January-February 2020.

The main partner for imports was Russia in February 2020

In February 2020, the top country for Turkey's imports was Russia with 1 billion 714 million dollars. The country was  followed by China with 1 billion 712  million dollars, Germany with 1 billion 623 million dollars, USA with 1 billion 133 million dollars and Iraq with 750 million dollars. The ratio of first five countries in total imports was 39.3% in February 2020.

 In January-February 2020 period, the top country for Turkey's imports was Russia with 3 billion 797 million dollars.  The  country  was  followed by  China  with 3 billion 598 million dollars,  Germany with 2 billion 971 million dollars, USA with 2 billion 356 million dollars and Iraq with 1 billion 545 million dollars. The ratio of first five countries in total imports was 38.7% in January-February 2020.

Seasonally and calendar adjusted exports decreased by 3.6%

In February 2020, seasonally and calendar adjusted exports and imports decreased by 3.6%, 7.2 %, respectively, compared with previous month. In February 2020 calendar adjusted exports and imports increased by 1.4% and 9.2%, respectively compared with February 2019.

 Ratio of exports of high-tech products in manufacturing industries was 3.4%

Foreign trade by technology intensity covers the manufacturing industries' products in classification of ISIC Rev.4. According to the ISIC Rev.4, the ratio of manufacturing industries products in total exports was 95.0% in February 2020. The ratio of high-technology products in manufacturing industries exports was 3.4%. In January-February 2020 period, the ratio of high-technology products in manufacturing industries exports was 3.2%.

The ratio of manufacturing industries' products in total imports was 77.9%. The ratio of high-technology products in manufacturing industries' imports was 12.9% in February 2020. The ratio of high-technology products in manufacturing industries' imports was 13.0% in January-February 2020.  

According to the special trade system, exports were 13 billion 927 million dollars in February

According to the special trade system, in February 2020, exports were 13 billion 927 million dollars with a 2.6% increase and imports were 17 billion 23 million dollars with a 8.2% increase compared with February 2019.

In February 2020 foreign trade deficit  was 3 billion 96 million dollars with a 43.6% increase compared with February 2019. Exports coverage imports was 81.8% while it was 86.3 in February 2019.

According to the special trade system, exports were 27 billion 775 million dollars with a 3.8% increase and imports were 35 billion 529 million dollars with a 13.2%  increase compared with January-February 2019.

In January-February 2020  period, foreign trade deficit  was 7 billion 754 million dollars with a 66.8% increase compared with January-February 2019. Exports coverage imports was 78.2% while it was 85.2 in January-February 2019. (ILKHA)