Stating that war with Syria was never the right option for solving the problems, he suggested that it was still possible for Turkey to realize both its own interests and the interests of the Syrian people at the diplomatic table and through strong political negotiation.

He stated that the way to end civilian massacres and deepening instability in Afghanistan is to ensure internal peace through dialogue between the country's political administration and the Taliban, and to ensure the withdrawal of NATO forces led by the United States.

Stating that racist attacks against Muslims have increased in Europe due to the lack of a political, economic and legal alliance among Muslims, Sağlam underscored that it is now a necessity to have a strong, political and legal alliance among Islamic countries so that Muslims can exact a toll against those who persecute them.

The killing of Afghan civilians in the U.S. attacks

Touching upon the killing of Afghan civilians in the U.S. attacks, Sağlam said: "At least 10 civilians were killed in the airstrike of the NATO forces led by the U.S. in Afghanistan. Since 2001, when the U.S. occupation of Afghanistan began, the political, social and economic instability has prevailed in the country. The negotiation process launched in 2018 was promising, however, it was undermined. With the last attacks on civilians, the U.S. aimed to sabotage the ongoing negation process."

Sağlam went on to say: "It is a necessity to secure a domestic peace in Afghanistan in order to pave the way for the withdrawal of foreign troops from the country. The way to end civilian massacres and deepening instability in Afghanistan is to ensure a domestic peace through dialogue between the country's political administration and the Taliban, and to ensure the withdrawal of NATO forces led by the United States. Otherwise, the existence of the foreign forces, which enjoy impunity for their crimes that they have so far committed in Afghanistan, exploiting the country's resources and designing the politics in their interests, will take their toll on Afghan people even more severely."

The racist terror in Europe

Speaking about the racist terror attacks, which are increasing rapidly in Europe, Sağlam said: "In European countries, racist rhetoric has been legitimized and terror attacks on migrants have increased as the far-right has had a say in governing. The rise in racist terror attacks in the West over the past 5 years is indicated by the Global Terror Index as 320 per cent. Recently, 9 people have been killed in a racist attacks on two cafés in Germany, where the racism is on the rise.  The deterrent effects of punishment on the racist terrorist attacks, encouraged by racist administrations, should also be discussed."

Sağlam said: "In European countries, especially the politics of othering towards Muslims, restrictions on worship and religious symbols, and the criminal sanctions imposed even on those who rescue migrants have encouraged anti-immigrant groups to take illegal actions and increased racist attacks. Western countries, which have so far carried out policies on the concept of' Islamic terrorism ' and have associated all Muslims with terrorism, remain silent against racist terrorism. Racist attacks against Muslims have increased in Europe due to the lack of a political, economic and legal alliance among Muslims. It has been a necessity to have a strong, political and legal alliance among Islamic countries so that Muslims can exact a toll against those who persecute them."

"A war between Turkey and Syria is not right option for solving problems"

He warned that the tension between the Syrian regime and Turkey had turned into a very dangerous war process and said: "Even in the current process, war is never the right option for solving problems. It is still possible for Turkey to realize both its own interests and the interests of the Syrian people at the diplomatic table and through strong political negotiation. Turkey and Iran have the capacity to frustrate the plans in Syria by getting a consensus on the issue, despite the adversities of the past and the challenging conditions at present. Otherwise, the political interests of the United States and Russia will shape the future of Syria."

"Russia and the United States have always been hypocritical in Syria policy"

Underlining that the only solution to Syria conflict is diplomacy and political negotiation, Sağlam stated: "Russia and the United States have always been hypocritical in Syria policy. Turkey does not have to make a choice between these two imperial powers. Turkey should continue its regional policy on a humanitarian, stable and sustainable basis. Turkish people clearly do not want a war with Syria. Despite giving 70 thousand trucks of arms to anti-Turkey groups and imposing the heaviest sanctions on Turkey, it is clear that the United States, which expressed its readiness for any kind of support against Syria today, is not a friend of our country. The way out is diplomacy and political negotiation." (ILKHA)