Speaking at the "Great Quds Rally" organized by the Saadet (Felicity) Party, HÜDA PAR Chairman İshak Sağlam called on the leaders of Islamic World to improve relations with Palestine, adding that zionist occupation gangs should be faced off by force.

Touching upon the importance of Quds for Islamic World, Sağlam said: "Al- Aqsa Mosque is the first kiblah of all Muslims. It is the second temple built on the earth. It is the first step of our prophet Muhammed's ascension to heaven. It is our third sacred place after Mecca and Medina. It is also the place where our prophet Muhammed (pbuh) served as imam to all the prophets. Jerusalem is not just an ordinary piece of land. Jerusalem is the heritage of Umar, Saladin, Muhammad Nureddin Zengi and Sultan Abdulhamid. For this reason, it will never be possible to negotiate Jerusalem like an ordinary piece of land, making it the subject of treaties."

"Quds is the conscience of the humanity"

If you combine America and Europe, it won't amounted to a Quds. Quds is the conscience of the humanity. Today, 139 countries in the world have declared that they recognize Palestine as a state. We call on those states to recognize Palestine, to see Palestine as a state and to treat it accordingly. Just as how you sign agreements with the zionist regime today, what relations you develop with them, so you should also approach the Palestinians in the same way and see them as a state, develop a relationship as a state. History has shown that the only language that zionists understand is force. Therefore, by upholding your decision on recognition of Palestine state, you should give power to Palestine, give strength, and make political and economic treaties. I especially want to address the rulers of Islamic countries. Since you recognize Palestine as a state, come and make commercial, political and military treaties with the Palestinians. Transfer military techniques and technologies to the Palestinians. If Palestine is at peace today, the whole world will be at peace. Because at the root of all the problems we experience are the seeds of sedition planted among us for the relief of the Zionist regime. If there is peace in Palestine, a great part of these problems will disappear among us.

"Palestine is a matter of unity for Islamic World"

He emphasized that the conflicts among Muslims should be put aside and Muslims come together for Quds and Palestine, pointing out that Istanbul, Damascus and Baghdad would not be at peace if Palestine were not at peace.

He concluded as follows: "Let us get this treaty a starting point. Let us put aside our differences and come together on the issue of Aqsa and Palestine, which is the conscience of all humanity. If Palestine is not at peace, Istanbul will never be at peace, Damascus will not be at peace, Baghdad will not be at peace. We cannot find a solution to Palestine unless we see that fact. Palestine is a matter of unity for Islamic World. We have mentioned before that Jerusalem is the heritage of Umar, Saladin, Muhammad Nureddin Zengi and Sultan Abdulhamid. Nureddin Mahmut Zengi was a Turk, Saladin Ayyubi was a Kurd and a significant number of the commanders of them were Arabs. If we, as Turks, Arabs, Kurds, come together with all our differences and colors, we will bring peace and happiness to the world." (ILKHA)