The European Yetim Eli is making orphans and the needy happy with relief efforts such as food and clothes aids, fresh water well projects as well as mass circumcision organizations in Africa.

The organization is continuing their relief efforts in Garissa County in order to deliver the donations made by philanthropists to the needy.

In the region, the families are living in abject poverty and people do not have proper clothes on; even they do not have shoes on their feet.

The European Yetim Eli built a mosque named after Saladin Ayyub, who liberated Jerusalem from the occupation of the Crusaders, with the contributions of philanthropists in the village of Rahme in the city of Masalani, Garissa province.

​Despite all the difficult conditions in the country, where mosques and Masjids are insufficient, the people of the region place great importance on their worship.

Speaking to Ilke News Agency about acts of charity that they are carrying out in Kenya, Köln representative of the organization, Cahit Ataş said that they had the joy of travelling thousands of miles to deliver aid to families in need.

Ataş said that they have built permanent facilities in African countries and in this context; they continue their activities with mosques, which are among the greatest needs of the local people.

"We paid a visit to this village before. An elderly uncle in this village donated his land for the construction of the Masjid. We conveyed this demand to our benefactors and announced that there was a need for a Masjid here. A philanthropist from Germany also contributed to the construction of the Masjid. We have been instrumental in the building of this beautiful Masjid in this village where there was no Masjid before," Ataş added.

"The mosques are very important in Africa"

Speaking about the importance of the mosques for this region, Ataş said: "In African countries, mosques and Masjids are also used as schools, madrasahs and Koran courses. The children receive education in mosques. While we were making relief efforts work in this region, we saw many places where people worship are makeshift masjids made of a few trees. The people of the region were very happy that this Masjid was opened here."

"We thank the European Yetim Eli hand and the philanthropists so much"

Hassan Gelmal, Imam of Saladin Ayyub Mosque, said they had to emigrate from their village, which is 100 kilometers away, because of the flooding that occurred last year.

Gelmal went on, saying: "Because our village was a new settlement, we had no Masjid. Last year, we asked for a mosque from the European Yetim Eli delegation, which was conducting charity works in this region, so they helped us to build this mosque. We thank the European Yetim Eli organization and the philanthropists so much. Next to this mosque, we need a Qur'an Recitation course for our children. There are no schools where our children can be educated here. We will use this mosque as both a masjid and a school. We want them to help us with that as well." (ILKHA)