​In the written statement, Hezbollah severely slammed the plan, which was drawn up by Great Satan USA.

Hezbollah community emphasized that everyone must do their part to ensure that the evil plans of the zionist imperialist infidels are fulfilled.

It was underlined stated that the Hezbollah Community is ready to fulfill its responsibility for the freedom of Jerusalem.

The statement began by quoting from Holy Qur'an: "Go forth, whether light or heavy, and strive with your wealth and your lives in the cause of Allah. That is better for you, if you only knew." (Tawbah 41)

The statement went on to say: "For more than 100 years, the imperialists have been implementing their projects step by step to take the Masjid Al-Aqsa from Muslims completely and to create a zionist state with Jerusalem as capital. We hope that the betrayal plan announced by the U.S. president will be an occasion for raising consciousness and mobilization of Muslims. Maybe Allah Almighty is deciphering the plans of the disbelievers in their own language, leaving no excuse for Muslims. Within their current position and the bounds of possibility; the Muslim rulers, Islamic movements, influential Muslim persons, and all Muslim individuals should do their best to undermine these demonic plans of the Zionist imperialist disbelievers as a whole."

The statement concluded as follows: "The Hezbollah Community declare once again, just as we have declared at every opportunity on different occasions, that we are ready to fulfill our responsibilities at all times and everywhere, with all our means for the freedom of Jerusalem and the removal of the zionist imperialists from the Ummah geography." (ILKHA)