The families, who fled from the conflicts in Kosovo and Bosnia in the 1990s and took refuge in Montenegro, continue to suffer because of the wars despite all the passing time. The European Yetim Eli, which provides aid to the camp where many people live alone and those who live with their families live in difficult conditions due to unemployment and poverty, continues to be a bridge between philanthropists and the needy.

The European Yetim Eli started its charity activities in the Balkans with the proceeds from a concert for orphans and the needy in Germany on 24 December. Blankets, food, cleaning supplies and fuel were distributed in the refugee camp in the Gisingi District of Plav city, where 140 families lived.

Speaking about the charity activities that they have engaged in, Vice President of European Yetim Eli Hüseyin Ateş said: "We, as European Yetim Eli, have started charity activities first in Istanbul and now in Plav, the city of Montenegro in Balkans, with the proceeds from a concert for orphans and the needy in Germany on December 24. We are now in a campsite that remains from Bosnian war and houses 140 families. We carried out charitable activities in this camp also in the past. Winters are long here. It can snow from September to April. People use stoves to warm up. Therefore, people need a lot of wood here." (ILKHA)