The report, which was released by Jamnu Kashmir Coalition of Civil Society (JKCCS), said that the year 2019 would be remembered as a landmark year in the annals of Jamnu Kashmir chequered history as the last vestiges of Jamnu Kashmir's limited autonomy were permanently revoked by the Government of India on August 5, 2019.

"The government of India not only did not consult with people of Jamnu Kashmir or their representatives in a decision which they regard as 'beneficial' for the future of Jamnu Kashmir but threw the entire leadership – both pro-India and pro-resolution political leaders in jail," the report said.

The report pointed out that violence in Jamnu Kashmir in 2019 saw similar trends as witnessed during the last decade and added that the year witnessed the killings of at least 366 killings in different incidents of violence.

The year witnessed extrajudicial executions of at least 80 civilians, including 12 women, in Jamnu Kashmir, besides killings of 159 militants and 129 armed forces.

On 5 August 2019, the Government of India revoked the special status, or limited autonomy, granted under Article 370 of the Indian Constitution to Jamnu Kashmir, a region administered by India as a state, and a part of the larger region of Kashmir.

Among the Indian government actions, accompanying the revocation was the cutting off communication lines in the Kashmir Valley. Several leading Kashmiri politicians were taken into custody, including the former chief minister Mehbooba Mufti.

International human rights groups condemned the revocation resolution. (ILKHA)