One out of every 10 people in the world can't access potable water. Drought, poverty, rapid population growth and pollution threaten potable clean water sources. In many parts of the world, especially in Africa and Asia, people have to walk for miles to meet their daily water needs.

People living in African countries have the trouble of not being able to get clean water due to financial difficulties. Every year thousands of children in Africa die from diseases caused by polluted water and very unhealthy conditions.

European Yetim Eli (Orphan hand) international help organization continues to work to ensure that hundreds of thousands of people living in the world have access to potable water. At the beginning of this work comes to drill water wells in areas of need.

The organization that helps orphans and the needy in many countries of the world, especially in African countries, continues to help people in Uganda suppling aids such as food and clothing, mosque construction, water well projects, circumcision organizations.

With donations from philanthropists in Turkey and Europe, the organization laid the foundation for water wells in Uganda

Huseyin Ateş, Vice President of European Yetim Eli, said that they continue to help people with the water wells they have dug in different areas of the world, especially in African countries, as well as in other regions affected by poverty and drought.

Noting that more than 800 million people around the world have problems accessing potable water, especially in African countries where they prioritize drilling for water wells, Ateş: "We've done various projects here in four days. We have realized our water well projects which are the sine qua non for the African continent. In front of the Masjid in this village, inshallah, water wells will be opened on behalf of the Anli and Yılmazer families. We thank our uncle Yusuf Ademoglu who donated this land, may Allah be pleased with him. I hope the Masjid and water well will be opened. He has done a good job."

Stating that a drop of water is very valuable in Africa and that clean water for Africa means cleaning, health, getting rid of hunger and poverty, Ateş added: "As European Yetim Eli, we have projects to drill water wells in various countries of Africa. Why are we digging a well? Because clean water is a must in Africa. Dirty water brings death to people. In some countries, the annual death toll from dirty water reaches hundreds of thousands. Therefore, we continue our efforts to drill for clean water wells."

Ateş concluded: "These people are bringing water that will never be drunk from dirty lakes from miles away and giving it to their children. We've seen some events here. Some children have a swollen belly due to dirty water, some children have a swollen throat, they say it was caused by dirty water. We are calling on our benefactors and asking them to support our Clean Water Well project. We thank all our benefactors. We thank uncle Yusuf very much." (ILKHA)