The Bangladeshi government's ban on 41 human rights organizations on the pretext that they supported and financed actions against the forced repatriation of Arakanese Muslims to Myanmar, where they were forced to emigrate, has left Arakanese Muslims in a difficult position.

The Bangladeshi government has also asked banks to stop all operations of these associations, while a ban on aid activities and telephone use in the camps has driven refugees to total desperation.

Rohingya Muslims who have said they fled Myanmar because of the atrocities and massacres committed have indicated that the same atrocities and massacres will continue if they are sent back.

Despite knowing these facts, the Government of Bangladesh has taken action to repatriate Rohingya Muslims.

Bangladesh government, which has launched practices forcing Arakanese to return, continues to narrow space by banning aid agencies' activities in refugee camps.

Arakanese Muslim refugees who did not want to return to Myanmar, staged a large demonstration against the Bangladesh government's decision on 25 August, while the government pointing out aid organizations in the camps were responsible for this action.

The Bangladeshi government, which claims to have incited Rohingya Muslims to stage demonstrations, has begun banning the activities of 41 charities, making the already difficult life for refugees even more unbearable.

In 2017, more than 700 thousand Rohingya Muslims had been forced to seek refuge in Bangladesh due to the persecution, repression, and massacres carried out by the Myanmar army and Buddhist mobs.

Despite the atrocities, the Bangladeshi government has sent more than 22 thousand Arakanese back to Myanmar, raising concerns that new massacres could occur.

Arakanese Muslims, although living in difficult conditions in refugee camps in Bangladesh, do not want to return to Myanmar because of the risk of new massacres.

Hundreds of thousands of Arakanese Muslims held indoors in camps and villages in Myanmar are not given citizenship, as are their travel freedoms being restricted. (ILKHA)