HUDA PAR headquarters pointed out they are encountering an understanding of the state that do not mind building its wastefulness and extravagance on top of the misery of the people and emphasized that waste and abuse engulf state institutions like the arms of an octopus.

HUDA PAR headquarters released a written statement on the waste order in ministries, public institutions and municipalities.

"The destruction caused by waste in community and state codes must be seen, and the public resources and budget must be realized as a trust, the statement read.

The effects of the economic crisis in Turkey are growing deeper and deeper with each passing day.

Due to the rapid depreciation of the Turkish Lira against foreign exchange and gold and the rising inflation due to the wrong policies of economic management, many companies have gone bankrupt or declared a concordat.

As a result, tens of thousands of people fell out of work and employment is almost finished outside the service sector.

Cost of living is not tolerable for low-income citizens. However, it is seen that austerity is imposed only on citizens, while bureaucracy continues to be wasteful and extravagant with the disclosure of spending rules in ministries, public institutions, and municipalities.

The reputation of the state is proportional to the welfare level of its citizen

Despite the deep economic crisis, the state did not go to savings, but rather adopted the principle of 'no saving from reputation'. However, the reputation of the state is proportional to the welfare level of its citizen.

Financial resources that should be used in the public interest are squandered for the extravagant protocol ceremonies, representation and hospitality expenses of bureaucrats and politicians.

Politicians and bureaucrats, who do not consider harmful to receive gifts purchased by of hundreds of thousands of liras during their visit to every public institution, should be aware that they are consuming food that is cut from the dining table of the poor, HUDA PAR warned.

Again, these spending items are folded in the domestic and international travel of politicians and bureaucrats, and the costs of group rentals and accommodation are also a burden on low-income citizens with extravagant figures.

Nearly every public institution issues a printed newsletter

The government's external consultancy services cost billions of liras each year.

Public institutions tendering many services that can be reached with equity are wasting the property of the nation while spending astronomical figures and revive intermediary individuals and institutions.

Public institutions do not save in any way from the annual allowances and spend up to the last penny, although there is no need.

The costs of service buildings, vehicles and office vehicles rented to public institutions cost 2 billion to the budget per year.

Nearly every public institution issues a printed newsletter. These magazines and print publications, which the public is not even aware of, and the extravagant printing and editorial services shake up the budget of the institutions.

The state receives IT services from outside, which it can handle with its own staff, and transferring a significant portion of the budget.

"Public institutions and municipalities are seen as unearned income gates for many private institutions"

Again, municipalities spend millions of pounds on the organizations they organize under the name of concerts and festivities; they do not spend the same effort to support social, scientific and cultural activities.

Public institutions and municipalities are seen as unearned income gates for many private institutions. The main reason for this is the lack of a legal and moral limit.

Ibn Khaldun states that the waste of the state administration will increase the tax burden of the people first, that this will undermine the trust in the state and that the state will become stuck in an economic quagmire. Current tax practices justify Ibn Khaldun.

"Today, waste and abuse have engulfed government institutions like the arms of an octopus"

Today, waste and abuse have engulfed government institutions like the arms of an octopus. For this reason, no resources are sufficient for the thieves in suits and ties who are wreathed around the state.

As a result, an understanding has developed that sees even 3-4 percent salary increases for public employees and pensioners too much but takes back many times more than it gave by 20 percent and 30 percent hikes.

Statesmen who do not compromise on their waste and vanity are unfortunately not even aware how the cost of living, unemployment and high hikes reflect the public.

We are encountering an understanding of the state that does not mind building its wastefulness and extravagance on top of the misery of the people.

This situation is not sustainable in terms of state functioning, community-state relations, and economic and fiscal policies.

The destruction caused by waste in community and state codes must be seen, and the public resources and budget must be realized as a trust. (ILKHA)