HUDA PAR headquarters pointed out that the Syrian Civil War was undermined by the process of settlement through negotiation, along with the war crime committed in Idlib.

The party called on Turkey and Iran, the guarantor countries to restart the negotiation process, taking responsibility against civilian deaths.

The weekly foreign agenda assessment by HUDA Par headquarters covered topics such as the massacres in Idlib, Sheikh Zakzaki who was unlawfully arrested by the Nigerian Army, and the ongoing destruction and the humanitarian drama in Palestine.

HUDA PAR said Sheikh Ibrahim Zakzaki, the leader of the Nigerian Islamic Movement, who was wounded after an attack by the Nigerian military and arrested together with his wife, should be released.

Massacres must be stopped in Idlib

Turkey, Russia, and Iran declared Idlib and its surroundings a "de-escalation zone" at the Astana meeting on 4-5 May 2017, but signed an additional memorandum of understanding on 17 September 2018 in Sochi, Russia, despite the ceasefire violations.

More than 553,000 civilians have been displaced by the attacks since the de-escalation declaration.

At least 606 civilians were killed in attacks carried out by Russia and regime forces.

More children were massacred during the truce than in a state of war. At least 33 children have been killed since June 24.

"We condemn these attacks on the civilian population and hope that the Idlib reconciliation will be implemented as soon as possible," HUDA PAR said.

Drawing attention that the attacks are now aimed at crowded and civilian-serving structures such as medical facilities, bakeries, schools, marketplaces in Idlib, where 3 million people live, HUDA PAR pointed out that the process of settlement through negotiation is undermining the Syrian Civil War and war crimes are being committed in Idlib.

"Turkey and Iran, which are the guarantor countries against civilian deaths, are obliged to restart the negotiation process by taking responsibility. Ensuring Idlib is demilitarized and made a safe space for civilians should be a priority agenda item for both states," HUDA PAR said.

HUDA PAR warned that "The conflict, assault and civilian casualties in Syria will continue the chaos process and completely close the road to negotiation".

Sheikh Zakzaki must be released

Sheikh Zakzaki, who remains under arrest despite the court's decision to release him, is said to be in poor health condition.

Sheikh Ibrahim Zakzaki, leader of the Islamic Movement of Nigeria, was arrested with his wife injured following an attack by the Nigerian Army in 2015, but the court's decision to release him in 2016 was not implemented by the Nigerian government.

Zakzaki, who has been in detention since 2015, is suffering from poor health, has toxic substances such as lead in his blood and must be treated abroad.

At least 25 people were killed in a police response to public protests for the release of Zakzaki and his imprisoned wife. Some of the demonstrators, wounded by live gunfire, died while under police questioning.

Likewise, according to Human Rights Watch, 300 people were killed in the police crackdown on demonstrations in 2015, but no sanctions were imposed on the Nigerian government.

"The Islamic Ummah, which has lost many valuable scholars such as in Bangladesh, such as Mohamed Morsi in Egypt, should not allow Zakzaki to be killed as well and should raise its voice against the informal legal practices of the Nigerian government.

Allegations of Zakzaki's poisoning must be urgently investigated, a treatment process must be initiated and international organizations must act to stop the massacres against civilian demonstrators.

We invite the Muslim societies and the International Union of Muslim Scholars to stand with Sheikh Ibrahim Zakzaki before it is too late," HUDA PAR said.

Demolition and humanitarian drama continues in Palestine

Palestinian homes demolished by occupation regime on grounds of 'security reasons' in occupied East Jerusalem.

The destruction in the region, some of which are under occupation and some of which are under the control of the Palestinian Authority according to the Oslo Accords signed in 1995 self-government, is carried out in violation of international law and is aimed at ethnic cleansing.

The atrocities of the zionist occupation regime accelerated after the Bahrain workshop, where the economic dimension of the treason plan known as the "Treaty of the century" was discussed, and the secret process of ethnic cleansing became public.

"The Palestinian Authority's suspension of all previous agreements with the occupation regime due to the demolitions is a meaningful and correct decision and has provided a basis for the unity of power and unity among the Palestinian resistance groups," HUDA PAR underlined.

"The Palestinian issue should be made the first agenda item in the world"

In addition to the demolishing of Palestinians houses in East Jerusalem, the drug crisis in hospitals and health centers in the Gaza Strip has reached a serious level, with 50% of Gaza patients deprived of medical treatment.

At the same time, 97 percent of the waters in Gaza is not suitable for drinking, and the United Nations has warned that underground waters will be depleted in 2020 if necessary measures are not taken.

"The steps of normalization with the occupation regime should not be accepted by the Muslim public in a process where the humanitarian crisis in Gaza and the destruction and oppression in the West Bank increase rapidly. The Palestinian issue should be made the First agenda item in the world."

"We invite organizations such as the Arab League and the Organization for Islamic Cooperation to take more effective steps against the occupation, destruction, and massacres," HUDA PAR said at the end of weekly agenda assessment. (ILKHA)