Egypt's first elected president, Mohammed Morsi, delivered his soul to his Lord when he was addressing to the junta court on Monday, June 17.

After the martyrdom, the coup plotters feared his body and hurriedly buried him with only a few members of his family.

The death of Muhammad Morsi has not been known yet due to the presentation of coupists, evidence shows that he was left to die in prison.

Morsi, suffering from many health problems, was not given medication, and doctors were prevented to examine him.

In fact, Morsi's daughter, Shaima Morsi, shot a video recently drew attention to the poor health conditions her father was suffering.

In a video taken after her father's hearing in November 2018, Shayma described the persecution of the junta, although they repeatedly asked for treatment, she said their demands were denied.

"My father, unfortunately, fainted at the hearing today. He fainted at the beginning of the trial, and then they brought a doctor for him," Shaima said in an upset matter in the video.

He was still unconscious during the trial. He was waiting on the chair when he could not even open his eyes. The judge sees my father's fainting as a crime. 'How does he faint when he's 69?' he asks.

I have reported my father's medical condition to a doctor before. I told the doctor over and over again that we request treatment for my father.

On November 23, 2018, after taking my last video, they took my father to the hospital. Look at this, when was the last time they took my dad to the hospital?

"He was having trouble walking when they brought him to the hospital"

He was having trouble walking when they took him to the hospital. They dragged him down. He was falling to the floor among the police officers who did not have compassion, mercy, and conscience.

"They claim to say my father slept at the trial"

Today, they took him to court. Unfortunately, he fainted today. Despite this, the court and the press now claim that my father was sleeping in the trial.

No, my dad wasn't sleeping. My father was sick, he was a kidney patient. So one of his kidneys has a failure. More than 80 percent of the other kidney was not operating.

There was no compassion, no mercy, and no conscience at the doctor who treated him. The doctor claims my father only has shoulder and elbow pain. We know what kind of diseases my father has. He had a stroke because of his old age.

He was paralyzed because he slept on the floor without anything to cover up. He was paralyzed because he could not find a thick suit to wear in the winter. He was paralyzed because he was not eating healthy foods. Because they gave him some dirty water to drink despite we told them that my father was receiving a treat for his kidneys.

On the one hand, the prison administration forbids him from being taken to a doctor; while on the other hand, they even prohibit us from seeing him. Two or three months later, they only allowed him to be taken to the hospital.

Now the judge is accusing my father of slur over the judicial process. 'I will punish you for the law required by the Constitution,' he says.

Is that your conscience, O judge? Are you going to rule with this conscience?

How can we be sure of our father's health from now on? Who knows how my father's health is now?

O doctor, who received seven years of so-called medical education! One of my father's kidneys is totally failed, while the other operated only with 20 percent.

"Is that your conscience, O judge?"

Is that your conscience, O judge? Will you rule with this conscience?

How will we be sure of our father's health from now on? Who knows how my father's health is now?

7 years of so-called medical education, Doctor! One of my father's kidneys is completely gone, and the other 80% is bankrupt. My father has prostate disease. Dad has a neck swelling. My father has paralysis, blood pressure, and diabetes.

The prison administration would not let my father take diabetes and blood pressure tablets for months.

They did not believe him when he said 'I am sick, bring me a doctor' at the beginning of the trial.

When he fainted and fell down, the judge shouted him. How can the judge still go on trial while the prisoner is unconscious?

And they say, "we will punish him according to the Constitution"? Is that your justice? Is that your humanity?

You [judge] know better than me that this is a concocted case. How could you do such a thing? This is a sign that conscience is dead.

Allah is sufficient for us against you. Allah is sufficient for us against those united against my father. Allah is sufficient for us against those who see that my father is unconscious and ill, and do not help him.

God, give us a way out. God, give him healing so that we can relax. O Allah; let him get up and defend the right. May Allah take our vengeance on you wrongdoers. May the curse of Allah be upon you. (ILKHA)