Muhammad Morsi, Egypt's first and only freely elected President was toppled and barred behind bars by coupist Sisi for 6 years, passed away Monday while addressing to the court in a hearing he has appeared.

Sağlam wished mercy from Almighty Allah for the Egyptian late President Muhammad Morsi, patience to his family.

"Mohammad Morsi lived a life filled with suffering in the name of truth and rights," Sağlam said in his official Twitter account.

"Surely we belong to Allah and to Him shall we return. I have heard the news of the martyrdom of President Mohammed Morsi, the legitimate Egyptian President," Sağlam said.

"I wish mercy from Allah to the man of the cause, who lived a life filled with suffering in the name of truth and rights and was crowned his prison process with the martyrdom, and patience to the family/relatives."

"Long live hell for all tyrants!" said HUDA PAR's president at the end of his condolences message.

In another message, Zekeriya Yapıcıoğlu, vice president of HUDA PAR, said Muhammad Morsi did not bow to the pharaohs even in the dungeon.

Stating that Muhammad Morsi did not put the cause down, Yapıcıoğlu wishes Allah to accept the martyrdom of late Egypt's President. (ILKHA)