People's reaction to the military administration after the coup in Sudan should be taken into consideration HUDA PAR headquarters pointed out in its weekly foreign agenda assessment.

"The Islamic world should be purified from the military coup processes in which fear and repression dominate their countries in every sense," HUDA PAR said.

Also, the agenda assessment included important views on Saudi Arabia-led coalition forces attacks targeting civilians, Turkiye-Russia 8th High-Level Cooperation meeting, the US blacklisted Iranian Revolutionary Guards Corps as "terrorist organizations" and the statements that the Prime Minister of the occupation regime will "annex" the Jewish settlements.

Military coup in Sudan

The demonstrations that have been going on since December in order to protest the living conditions in Sudan have resulted in a military coup and the house arrest of Omar al-Bashir, who has ruled the country for 30 years has been recalled in the foreign agenda assessment.

The country once again dominated with the military oligarchy after Omar al-Bashir, who came to power with a military coup, toppled by a military coup.

HUDA PAR called that politics must be urgently handed over to civilian transitional management in order to prevent the country from experiencing a civil war, which experienced twice, from being dragged back into this process. "Sudan has been paying the economic and political price of the military coup for many years."

The statement read that it is not possible to evaluate all the events in Sudan independently from external interventions.

"By the division of Sudan, the country's major oil resources left to the South Sudan side, deepening the economic crisis, fueled the wick causes people to take streets."

"The current process has given rise to the possibility that chaos experienced in a significant part of the Islamic world to jump to Sudan," HUDA PAR underlined and further noted that people's reaction to the military administration after the coup should be taken into account.

"A secure election environment should be established in the country through civil transitional management. Directing the process in favor of the people and in accordance with the demands of the people is very important for the future of Sudan. The Islamic world should be purified from the military coup processes in which fear and repression dominate their countries in every sense."

Saudi Arabia's attacks on Yemen

HUDA PAR denounced attacks of Saudi Arabia-led coalition forces against civilians in Yemen, which is experiencing the world's largest humanitarian crisis.

After the attack on the bus carrying the children and the village where 22 civilians were killed, 4 children died and 7 people died in an air attack near a hospital.

More than 19,000 attacks have been carried out over the past four years in the country where political negotiations have failed and deaths have risen by 164 percent.

Civilians who survived the attack are losing their lives because of the lack of humanitarian aid and medical supplies.

Yemen, one of the poorest countries in the world before the Civil War, is experiencing its worst period today.

HUDA PAR called on parties that the Hodeidah agreement between the parties should be put into practice for the benefit of the people needs, including prisoner exchange and covers ports.

"The conflict, in which external forces are involved, extends the chaos process and aggravates its consequence," the statement read.

"The war in the country for political interest is not in the interests of the people. The people who have heavily paid the price of war are fighting hunger and epidemics."

The Yemeni war has evolved into a process that humanitarian organizations call "nothing can be worse", with the prospect of starving 10 million people.

Putin-Erdoğan summit

Assessing the "8th High-Level Cooperation meeting" held in Russia and between the two countries, HUDA PAR recalled that Russian President Putin and President Erdoğan discussed Syria and S-400 missile defense systems at the summit.

Turkiye, which is a NATO country, will not give up on the S-400 missile defense system despite the blackmailing of the point of defense systems.

Despite the commitment by the United States, the Netherlands and Germany that patriot missile batteries installed in Turkiye due to the Syrian threat will remain until the war is over, the dismantling and returning of them in 2015 have made the common security policy a question.

"Turkiye should not stop developing a defense policy in line with its interests despite the threat and blackmail of NATO, which is pursuing American-based politics," HUDA PAR said.

In the evaluation underlined that Astana process needs to continue resolutely.

Syrian issue was discussed at the summit and a common opinion was expressed at the point of territorial integrity.

The urgent ceasefire for the end of the civil war in Syria, in which Russia and Turkiye are active on the parties, and the new constitutional process, in which all elements are included, and the removal of foreign fighters from the country, have also been discussed.

"The implementation of these steps successfully is important," HUDA PAR said. "To date, the policies in which national interests are kept at the forefront have brought the war to a more grave level and have made millions of Syrians pay for heavy costs."

"In this respect, maintaining the Astana process is of great importance in terms of the end of chaos as soon as possible."

US decision on "Iranian Revolutionary Guards"

Recalling that the US has listed the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps as terrorists, HUDA PAR said US President Trump's tension policy in the region has gained momentum with this step.

HUDA PAR noted that this decision is accepted as a preparation for war after the withdrawing from the nuclear treaty, the recognition of Jerusalem to be capital of the zionists and accepting Golan lands as the territory of the occupation regime.

"Targeting Iran at the summits held under the leadership of Islamic countries, and finally the steps to form the so-called Strategic Middle East pact, which is called Arab-NATO, are raising concerns about a military operation against Iran."

"The United States, which creates chaos in most of the countries of the region, aims to manage the process in Iran through its allies in the region."

"The development of dialogue with the countries of the region has become necessary in order to end these crises which pay the economic and political toll for the whole region.

"Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, and Egypt are now doomed to be condemned by Islamic countries because of the attitude, which legitimizes zionist expansionism, tries to develop relations with the occupation regime and drag the entire Islamic geography into chaos."

"The normalization with the occupation regime should be ended in order to free the Palestinian territories from the occupation"

HUDA PAR reacted to remarks by the occupation regime Prime Minister Netanyahu that if he wins the April 9 elections, he will "annex" the region of illegal Jewish settlements in the occupied West Bank.

Occupied in 1967, the West Bank has nearly 250 illegal Jewish settlements and there are more than 400,000 Jewish settlers.

According to international law, all Jewish settlements in the occupied territories are considered illegal, but there is no deterrent sanction.

Bolstered by international silence, occupying regime prepares to implement 4,500 illegal new housing projects. In the post-1967 period, occupation regime settlement activities in Palestinian territories have increased systematically.

The decisions are taken recently in favor of the occupation regime in Jerusalem and Golan and the normalization activities of the countries of the region have led to the acceleration of the occupation regime to the annexation projects. Netanyahu's election win shows that the region will drag to into conflicts and chaos.

The recent map of the Sinai Peninsula, which has been added to the Gaza Strip under the Treaty of the century, has raised concerns about the solution of the Palestinian issue in the coming period.

"The diplomatic process in favor of the occupation regime is the betrayal of the century," HUDA PAR said while added that this process weakened the Palestinian cause and dragged the resistance to an end in the international arena.

"Normalization should end with the occupation regime, international law should be put into effect and 'the treaty of the century should be prevented from entering into force in order to stop the zionist expansionism which is the source of all the problems in the region and to free the Palestinian territories from the occupation," HUDA PAR said. (ILKHA)