A press conference was held on Friday in Adana, a central province of Turkiye, for the release of Islamic prisoners who have been kept in jail for many years for their Islamic services as a result of conspiracies of Feb. 28 and FETO judges.

"We will continue to shout out the truth without being tired until the screams of Yusufis are being heard even if the authorities are fed up to see us in these squares," the statement read and made a call for justice.

The press conference, which organized by "Families Initiative of People Victimized by Feb. 28 and FETO Judiciary," was participated by HUDA PAR Adana provincial presidency as well as NGOs, such as; AGD/MGV Adana branch, Adana Civil Initiative Council [ASIM], Prophet Lovers Foundation, Mustazafs Association, Adana Hope Caravan branch, Mazlum-Der, Özgür-Der, Safa Foundation, Köklü Değişim Magazine and other NGOs.

In the press conference, which was held in Adana January 5 square following the Friday prayer, people were seen carrying placards with; "Let the Feb. 28 to End", "Not amnesty, we want retrial", "We demand justice, not forgiveness".

Speaking in the press release, Orhan Erkuş, on behalf of the initiative, said their aim gathering here every Friday is only the demand of justice for Yusufis prisoners.

"Cancer patient Şeyhmus Alpsoy has been in the dungeon for 20 years"

Erkuş underlined that thousands of people were imprisoned for their Islamic activities during the February 28 process by FETO judges with false and fraudulent evidence.

Stating that gathered for the Yusufis, who were victims of the trial of February 28 and FETO, Erkuş said: "We gathered here for children in tears, who haven't seen their fathers for 20 Ramadans and 40 Eids. We say enough is enough. Why don't you afraid of God?"

Stating that there is an Islamic prisoner named Şeyhmus Alpsoy, who is in prison for 20 years and also a cancer patient, continued: "There are many like Şeyhmus. At least release those prisoners with cancer. We only demand justice, not amnesty." (ILKHA)