Emine Şahin, a university student, detained in Edirne by the police and then arrested by the court allegedly on the fake statements prepared by officers. The arrest of medicine student Emine Şahin sparked reactions through the society and protested from all sides.

The law on the protection of Ataturk no: 5816, which was issued about 60 years ago, still is like a sword of Damocles hangs over the heads researches and comments on the recent history of Turkiye.

Noting the slightest criticism that did not even insult M. Kemal was prevented by using the law, the jurists stated that law 5186 was the biggest obstacle to freedom of thought.

The last victim of the law in question is Emine Şahin, who was arrested for saying "this is an uprising" while she was passing through the 10 November ceremonies in Edirne, said attorney Hüseyin Kurşun. Attorney Kurşun added that such lawless will continue unless the law change.

Indicating that Şahin, in any way, did not insult M. Kemal [Ataturk] and her detention had been unlawful, attorney Kurşun underlined that: "As long as this law is interpreted by this mentality, more and more people will enter the prison because of Atatürk."

Kurşun stated that the student girl, who was arrested, did not insult M. Kemal and that her arrest was unlawful. "I read the statement of the lady. 'This is an uprising; he [Ataturk] switched the sharia laws with the new laws' she says in her statements."

Attorney Kurşun stated that there is a reflex arising from her belief, said: "But there is no insult when we look into her speech. There is no violation against the law numbered: 5816."

"On the other hand, she says that Ataturk is not a deity. Everyone accepts that Ataturk is not a deity, so the decision to arrest her absolutely is wrong, he said. (ILKHA)