FETO, which was organized in the state for many years and supported by almost all the authorities on different grounds, used the power of institutions such as security, army, and judiciary to destroy the structures that it sees itself as a rival.

FETO took PKK's strategy as a model to be the only power. PKK attacked Islamic structures in the East of Turkiye, especially in the Kurdish parts; those were not on the same path as the PKK. FETO has detained the people and closed institutions it has taken to the target with civil and military bureaucracy by tagging them like terrorists, tortured and put them in prisons. Sometimes it murdered innocent people by using methods of illegal structures like JITEM.

FETO's calipers against Islamic structures are ignored

Following the disruption of the July 15 coup attempt by the people, many calipers, and plots of FETO, especially in the judiciary, started to be discussed more frequently in the public opinion. Speaking to ILKHA, the families of the victims expressed that the conspiracies and plotters against the Islamic community have been ignored again. Families expressed that the Kemalist/Nationalist class, who were tried on Ergenekon, Balyoz, Sarıkız, Ayışığı, Yakamoz, Eldiven, and Military spying cases, were quickly acquitted, then they are paid large amounts of compensation. But the expectations of justice of Islamic sects, which were exposed plots from the same structure [FETO], have been ignored.

FETO strikes the biggest blow to Islamic structures

Many Islamic communities and NGOs experienced grave grievances as a result of fraudulent evidence, false accusations, and non-pecuniary reasons. FETO, who fought the Islamic structures inexorably and mercilessly, targeted non-governmental organizations such as Hizbullah, Hizb ut Tahrir, IBDA-C, Islamic Movement, Afid, Selam Tawhid, İsmailağa and Tahşiye, and sometimes Mustazafs Association, Adıyaman Wahdet Association, Elazığ İhya Association, and Adana Shura Association.

During this time, FETO sometimes closed those associations and sometimes; detained thousands of people linked to those legal organizations, tortured them and threw into prisons, for allegedly associating these associations. The police, prosecutors, and judges, who have been deciphered today as actors of these calipers, were arrested and put in jail for membership of a terrorist organization. Some have been punished for their crimes.

FETO media conducted perception operations against the Islamic community

FETO, who fought the Islamic community with the police, prosecutors, and judges, carried out perception operations to discredit these structures with its media power.

The persons or structures to be operated were consciously deteriorated in the media organs of the structure in question. Publications were made according to the information taken from the police. They even mentioned the structures they wanted to eliminate in their TV series.

Thus, they have legalized their plots by their media in order to generate a false negative perception to be effected in the subconscious of the public and carried out operations against Islamic structures.

FETO gained space while the state was trying to clear its name

Different vertical and parallel structures within the state targeted Islamic sections that were always seen as obstacles in front of FETO.

One of the most important of the conspiracies and calipers that many began in the 90s was the attempt to clear unsolved murders in the region as part of the [Turkish] Hizbullah investigation. While the state executives of the time were trying to clean the murders and dirty events committed by the state during the Hizbullah cases, the FETO, which structured in the state, was trying to pave the way for itself with these cases.

In the Hizbullah archive that was seized during the raid in Beykoz on January 17, 2000, more than 20 thousand people were tortured for allegedly having their names, while the archive, which was based on penalties, never entered the case files. The entered documents in the cases' files were only computer outages that were claimed to be a part of this archive.

The documents in the files of thousands of people, who were given heavy penalties and were forcibly signed by the tortures in the cases of Hizbullah, were filled by false accusations. As a result of the trials, thousands of innocent were sentenced to various penalties as well as life sentences. The prosecution of prosecutors and judges and many of the torturers of the period, who were prosecuted and detained within the scope of the investigations initiated after the coup attempt on July 15, revealed the role of FETO in these cases.

The Hizbullah archive, which was not brought despite the repeated requests of the defendants in the Hizbullah Main Case, was later revealed that a large part of the Hizbullah archives was not even in the security general directorate. As a result of the research, it was determined that the archive was abducted abroad by FETO.

It is estimated that the dirty works of FETO's institutions and members are in the lost archive, as well as information about foreign intelligence services, including the CIA and MOSSAD.

Members of Islamic NGO were punished with false pieces of evidence

FETO, on the other hand, has aimed to shut down associations that they target as individuals or sometimes as rivals.

FETO also signed many plots against associations, which most of them established after 2005 and were the member of the Prophet Lovers Platform. The Prophet Lovers Platform is known that has received a great demand from the public with its social and cultural activities.

Some of the members and executives of these associations had previously involved in the investigations within the scope of the Hizbullah Case. FETO prosecutors and judges who consider this sufficient as evidence; were sentenced the volunteers and managers of these legal associations such as Mustazafs Association, Vahdet Association, İhya Association, Şura Association, with the permit received from the authorities.

As a result of the lawsuits filed by the judges and prosecutors of FETO, who were arrested and now in prisons within the scope of FETO operations, many Islamic communities and NGOs have been subjected to the investigation of "terror" and their members have been put in prisons as "terrorists". The victims, who lost in the vortices of the calipers, are waiting for the day of justice. (ILKHA)