Listed in the Ministry of the Interior's "Red" category, "Atakan Mahir" code-named Ibrahim Çoban, who was killed in Tunceli's operation on Saturday, appeared to have taken part to role-play in the documentary that led to the PKK's propaganda and debate in the solution process. One of the women who acted in the same documentary was also killed in previous operations.

The documentary, which was shot after Abdullah Öcalan's call to the PKK on March 21, 2013, Newroz of Diyarbakır, caused great controversy following the release.

Although Öcalan was found at the call of retreat, it is a real fact that this was not the real face of the call and that this call was made tactically.

Because the PKK did not withdraw during the "solution process", indeed it almost turned the cities into ammunition depots and had a freed hand.

The PKK has slaughtered innocent people in this process, blocked the roads, burned vehicles and racketeered. The October 6-7 attacks, Aytaç Baran assassination, military and police deaths also revealed that the solution process was a mistake.

The PKK, which has not been withdrawn on the pretext of the solution process, structured in cities. The PKK, which convinced itself that it is strong than its real power, started to block roads and racketeering in the towns and villages. The recruiting process of women and young people in the mountains was accelerated.

The mentioned process, which gave more power to PKK, made the PKK act humane and shot documentary.

Directed by Ertuğrul Mavioğlu and Çayan Demirel the production of the film named "Bakur" made by Ayşe Çetinbaş, the propaganda documentary was planned to be shown in the Istanbul Film Festival but was canceled by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism.

Despite all of this, the documentary, on the occasion of the settlement process between the state and the PKK, was shown at the Şişli City Cultural Center on June 15, 2015.

Many PKK elements as well as Cemil Bayik and Bahoz Erdal, two of the top PKK members, also talk in the documentary, which was taken for propaganda purposes. (Emrah Deniz, Fırat Arslan - ILKHA)