President Erdoğan, who was evaluating the threatening attitudes of Trump and later the Pentagon after the house arrest of pastor Andrew Brunson, described the attitudes displayed as psychological warfare.

President Erdoğan, who spoke for the first time about the tension in the house due to the imprisonment of pastor Brunson, said that the attitude change in Brunson's opinion was Trump's problem and that there was no negotiation over pastor Brunson as claimed.

The US should not forget that it will lose an intimate partner," said President Erdoğan in his statement. "

A Turkish court ordered the release of Brunson, an American who was held in a Turkish prison on terrorism charges since 2016, from jail and commuted his detention to house arrest. One day after the court's ruling, U.S. President Donald Trump and Vice President Mike Pence threatened economic sanctions on Turkiye. (ILKHA)