After the postmodern coup of February 28, the search for justice for the Yusufis [Islamic identity prisoners], who have been put into prison as a result of various calipers and who are in prison for a quarter of a century, is continuing.

The press statements, which has been held every day until February 28, 2018, will be held every 28th of months. The last press statement was held in Saraçhane Park in Istanbul on Saturday.

Mazlum-Der Secretary General who reads the press statement Av. Kaya Kartal asked for the Yusufis in prisons to spend the Feast of Sacrifice [Eid al-Adha] with their families.

"When the prisons were mentioned, the 28 February persecution continued with the most severe and brutal form," Kartal said. "We are gathering in the various courtyards, courthouses, and prisons, at the associations' buildings, in the closed rooms. Although we say enough, unfortunately, this persecution continues obviously not enough for someone. Since the 90s and many things have changed in the world," he added and emphasized that the only thing not changed is the persecution of February 28.

"They do not ask for forgiveness, they want to be tried again"

Reminding the 28 February prisoners who were kept in prison for more than 20 years with the unlawful decisions of the February 28th briefing judge and the parallel judiciary, do not ask for forgiveness but ask for the retrial.

"They want to be released from prisons that they are imprisoned with illegitimate court decisions and to be tried again. As we have repeatedly pointed out, that those who have arrested those [February 28 victims] are also not imprisoned. It is obliged for everyone, for the judiciary, especially for the Turkish Grand National Assembly to listen to the rights claims of these people and their families seeking their rights with a dignified and honorable stance that does not require amnesty but to be tried again."

After Kartal's speech, representatives of other non-governmental organizations supporting the press statement made speeches.

"The reflections of February 28th are ongoing"

Mahmut Kar, one of the officials of 'Köklü Değişim' magazine, noted that the years passed on February 28, but the Muslim prisoners are still in prison. "The reflections of the February 28 period are continuing."

"It is a contradiction that Muslims are in prison in the country where a spying pastor released"

Mullah Cemal Çınar, Vice President of Mustazafs Association Istanbul Branch, stated that they have come to the end of words and legal process about February 28. Çınar said, "February 28 is very important for the establishment of justice in this country. If there are people still victimized due to February 28 and continue their lives in the prisons, the problem continues with our understanding of justice. It is a contradiction that oppressed Muslims still in prisons in the country where a spying pastor has been released."

"The situation of the not-arrested putschists wounded the victims of February 28 deeply"

Zeynep Durmaz, sister of Ahmet Şat, who was in prison for a quarter of a century, said, "The situation of the putschists, those were tired on February 28 [postmodern coup] and not-arrested on the pretext of their age and health has deeply wounded the victims of February 28, especially the families." (Nizamettin Aşkın - ILKHA)