Diyarbakır Provincial Mufti Yavuz Selim Karabayır said, "Some of the people who want to silence the adhan in our country till today wanted to strike the adhan. But this time the adhan has staged a coup against these putschists and silenced them."

"Adhan is the summary of our religion and announces the truth of a spiritual call," said Mufti Karabayır and added: "It is an invitation of our Lord in truth. The adhan has been a sign of the Islamic world throughout history. The adhan is a blessed invitation. With this in mind, the adhan is important to us. Islamic call to prayer adhan represents the Islam; the Messenger of Allah to the Prophet (PBUH) and represents the cause He brought and the Qur'an"

"The duty of the Muslims is to ensure that the adhan is read permanently"

Stating that silencing the Adhan is not acceptable for Islam and Muslims Karabayır said: "The duty of the Muslims is to ensure that the adhan is read permanently. For this reason, all kinds of sacrifice are acceptable to the Islamic ummah. Therefore, every place where the adhan reads signs that it is a Muslim region. It means that people who live there are trustworthy."

"This time, not the putschists silenced the adhan but the adhan silenced the putschists"

"It was the adhan and salawats silenced the coup attempt carried out 2 years ago," Karabayır said. Maybe that day was a very important event to be done within the history of Turkiye and Islamic history. There was a movement towards Muslims living in this country. That day, our people took power with the help of the adhans and the salawats, defended their country and stood against the putschists, remembered its own cause." (ILKHA)