AK Party Bursa Metropolitan Mayor Recep Altepe resigned.

Making a statement to members of the press Altepe said:

"The last developments have been on the agenda of Turkiye. We have been working day and night to serve our much loved Bursa and people of Bursa. We have not been accused of corruption, laziness, and abuse. In recent days, an action under the name of the reform project initiated by the AK Party administration. Bursa is in this practice too. I've never been siding in a fight as a devoted person to this cause. We will not be wrong with our leader and we will do that is best for us. It is not possible to serve my country in this condition."

In his statement last week, President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan used the phrase "I believe that the three mayors will give their resignation as soon as possible". (ILKHA)