Mehmet Şenlik, Deputy Chairman of the Union of Scholars [Ittihad’ul Ulema], and Abdulkuddüs Yalçın, Member of the Board of Directors of Union of Scholar, provided support for the “ministerial powers of provincial and district muftis on performing solemnize” in the Draft Law on the Amendment of the Population Services Law and Some Laws .

In the evaluations made, it was stated that performing solemnizes by imams and muftis should be accepted as legitimate and actual marriages.

Şenlik, saying that imposing secularism on a Muslim population is a cruelty, expressed that this situation is a problem.

“Solemnize performing by imam is not a legitimate marriage in the system of secularism. The legitimate for the marriage is performing by the municipality or the population administration, the official record. Actually imposing secularism on Muslims is a cruelty. This cruelty has been experienced since the first day. The Muslim people have begun to earn these Islamic rights as the Muslim people gradually become aware of it. As they try to earn these rights, a set like secularism comes out and they cannot overcome it. Even authorities cannot overcome.”

“The Presidency of Religious Affairs is against the constitution itself because the Constitution is a secular constitution. The Presidency of Religious Affairs is an organization established by the decision of the Council of Ministers. It is a subsidiary organization to meet the needs of the people. It has pushed to a passive place, but they have a great place in the people. So they have to listen and they have to do what they say and put it into practice. If this does not happen then they should be ready for a social blast.”

Şenlik emphasized that the wedding house should be directly attached to the Presidency of Religious Affairs from the population administration or the municipal administration and that the performing solemnizes by imams should be accepted as a legitimate and actual marriage depending on this institution. “This society depends on Islamic values, at least they are Muslims. How the solemnize performs by imams not accept by official solemnize is being accepted?  Official marriage and religious marriage are different from each other. This confusion must be clearly linked to the muftis so that this confusion can be removed from the middle.”

“It's a very late practice”

Abdulkuddus Yalçın, a member of the Board of Directors of the Union of Scholars, pointed out the delay of the authorization and said, “It is a very late application, and it is a practice that should already be done. Every work has its own specifics. When we think as a Muslim, it is nonsense to give it to the municipality. It is the best thing for this profession to be given to imams, muftis, and scholars of Islam.” (Emrah Deniz, Murat Orhan - ILKHA)