The Director of Religious Affairs Mehmet Görmez issued a message on al-Qadr Night that will be performed in the evening that connects Wednesday June 21 to Thursday.

Görmez had praised Allah for reached us to such a precious, fertile and beautiful night, he celebrate the night of al-Qadr of the holy nation, the believers and the whole Islamic world.

“Al-Qadr Night is a night that raise the value of all humanity. Because our Lord has honored mankind with Islam, which is the last and perfect religion, with the Qur'an, which He sent in this night, to humanity. Qadr means honor, worth and reputation. The humankind which was created as valued creature on the Earth, will raise its value as he knew the grace of securities.”

"As Qadr night is valued with the Qur'an, man is freed, maturing, and exalted with the Qur'an in the same way,” said Görmez and added that the greatest duty of believers in Qadr’s Night is to bring the Qur'an on the sky of the heart how the Quran has begun to illuminate the humanity centuries ago.”

Görmez reminded that the night of al-Qadr was described as “better than a thousand months” in the Qur'an, “It is an average human life of a thousand months and it is a period of more than 80 years. Every Qadr night gives an opportunity of a life time for Muslims. That night is a night that gives repentance opportunity for the forgiveness of the years which polluted in sins.”

Görmez said, “We should ask the following questions in that night; are we in a position that we can host angels of Allah? Why the Islamic world has lost its reputation; lost its security and welfare? As Muslim why did we lowered to a position that we do not know our values, do not trust each other and do not tolerate each other? How the brotherhood and love net that established by Prophet has damaged that much?” (ILKHA)