HUDA PAR President Zekeriya Yapıcıoğlu met with NGO representatives and members of the press in Trabzon said, “The current constitution is a constitution that does not fit our people and this is a madman's shirt that is forcedly wore on the people, and I hope that people will change this shirt on April 16. We wish it will be a door to an entirely new constitution.”

Meeting with NGO representatives and members of the press in Trabzon, Yapıcıoğlu had important clarifications on the April 16 referendum, developments in Syria and massacres committed and relations with the European Union.

“One of the most important factors in our acceptance of these amendments is the changes to be made in the Constitution of the military junta of September 12. It seems that it is not possible at present to change whole this military tutelage constitution,” said Yapıcıoğlu and added as, “We think it should be supported for this reason, considering that it is at least partially changing as a positive step.”

“Swim against the current does not give a result”

Because of the tutelage institutions in the country, ruling powers in the country are not capableness said and Yapıcıoğlu continued:

“As you remember that there was a headscarf ban in the country, and in the attempts to remove it, the headlines were ‘411 hands raised to chaos’. This country also seen someone that said ‘you cannot change anything with 550 deputies.’ But at this point, there is an opportunity reveals to remove the effects of these tutelage institutions even if it is partly. Those swim against the current will not get any result. By some means or the result will be how people want. If the people want this constitution to change, no one will be able to stand in front of it.”

“The current constitution is a madman's shirt that forcedly clothed on the people”

Stating that for many years, a foreign system had been imposed on the public and that a majority of the laws imposed on the public were imported, Yapıcıoğlu said that the constitution is one of these import laws.

Yapıcıoğlu said, “The current constitution is a constitution that does not fit our people and this is a madman's shirt that is forcibly clothed on people. I hope that our people will change this shirt on April 16. We wish that there will be a door leading to a completely new constitution. In addition to all these, we say that the new constitution must be indigenous, and in accordance with the national faith, custom, history, historical memory and tradition.”

“Unfortunately the ummah is late, the wound is deepened and many blood flows”

Speaking about the civil war in Syria and the intervention of the imperialist countries, Yapıcıoğlu said that the ummah should be able to solve this problem in itself without giving the opportunity to the US and Russia to come to the region.

Yapıcıoğlu continued his speech as follows:

“Unfortunately, the Ummah is late, the wound deepened and there is a lot of blood flows. The only winner of this war is the imperialists and the arms dealers. The flowing blood all over the world, especially in the Muslim world are Muslims blood. Those who shed these blood are imperialists and their puppets in regional countries. But we, as Muslims, are arguing that ‘is weapons that cause the bloodshed there are chemical weapons or conventional weapons?’ When the US is bombing a school, a mosque and murdering hundreds of people is it normal but when regime soldiers or planes or Russian planes murder then it became a massacre? No matter what who does, there is a massacre there, and our people are being massacred. Probably, they test their weapons over us, and you can be sure that they will get their weapons’ money out of our pocket.”

“Allah has made us brothers, but we have forgotten our brotherhood”

“I remind that we are brothers as Muslims. If we do not see imperialists as savior for ourselves, if we can look at each other with mercy, I believe that we will be able to bandage off all our wounds, despite all the experiences that we lived,” said Yapıcıoğlu and added that if Muslims were able to do this and if they wanted to, they would have the power to do it. “Allah has made us brothers, but we have forgotten our brotherhood.”

“Europe has consumed all humanity values”

Referring to one of the speech of President Erdoğan's statement that a referendum on the continuation of the European Union membership application could be made, Yapıcıoğlu said, “For us, Europe has begun to collapse because they have nothing left to give to humanity. On the contrary, Europe has consumed all humanity values. They have completely consumed the cases of human rights, liberty and freedom. They try to expel people who are not one of them. They close the mosques. They cannot even tolerate people's thoughts. There is nothing such a Europe can give us.”

“You must take serious steps to protect the family”

Stating that the Europe which its family institution had collapsed could not stand more, Yapıcıoğlu continued:

“The number of children born out of marriage has exceeded the number of children born in marriage. On this regard, we are calling on the rulers of this country that they should take serious steps to protect the family how they take steps in order to protect the industry. Stop the adventure of European Union. If you continue to wait at the door of Europe, you will make family institution faces with a disintegration in our country. Our biggest wealth is our family institution.” (ILKHA)