During the Mursi period in Egypt before the coup, Muhammad es Sakhir, who is also a member of the Building and Development Party, and also Member of the Shura Council, and Sami Atiyye, a member of the Egyptian Jamaat-i Islami, visited HUDA PAR Diyarbakır Provincial Presidency.

Mohammed es Sakhir and Sami Atiyye are welcomed by HUDA PAR Deputy Chairmen M. Hüseyin Yılmaz and General Administrative Board member Vedat Turgut.

Es Sakhir gave information about the developments in Egypt after the coup, said he was forced to migrate to Qatar due to the coup and now forbidden to enter Egypt.

Es Sakhir said, “I was minister in the parliament of Egypt. I was elected and deputized by the people during the period of Muhammad Morsi. Mohammad Morsi had established a second Shura Council. I was also elected as deputy to this Shura Council. But I had to leave the country after the coup.”

Es Sakhir stated that he was in Gaza during the coup attempt in Turkiye that he understood the hadith that Muslims hold dear to each other better and said, “We all experienced a great shock when we heard the coup and we felt like that the coup is happening in Palestine. We were praying to Allah for the coup attempt in Turkiye to fail until the mornings.”

Es Sakhir stated that people in Turkiye, because they had experienced coups before suffered great sufferings, stand against the coup at the cost of their lives, and added that the attitude of the public was appreciated and that this attitude scared the juntas.

“Thousands of people were murdered in Egypt”

Sami Atiyye also said, “After the coup in Egypt, nearly 100 thousand people were taken into custody and taken to prison, 50 thousand people are still being held in prison, thousands of people have been slaughtered and most of our friends will stay in prison for 25-30 years.”

“The attitude of the public in the face of the coup could never have been estimated”

Vice President M. Hüseyin Yılmaz stated that coups are crimes against humanity and that one of the peoples who know the victims of the aftermath of coup is the people of Turkiye, “We have witnessed many coups before, but in none of them people stood and have resisted in this way. People didn’t try to suppress the coup before. So no one could even imagine that during this coup attempt the people would try to prevent the coup by sacrificing themselves at the expense of their lives.” The attitude towards the coup should be appreciated said Yılmaz.

“They wanted to turn Turkiye into Egypt with the coup”

Yılmaz pointed out that if the coup attempt in Turkiye was successful, many things would be changed, he continued as follows:

“They wanted to turn Turkiye into Egypt with the coup. All the Islamic chambers would be purged and they would put 100 thousand people into prison and kill thousands of people. You have found at least a country to seek shelter after the coup but we do not even have a place to go. Therefore, there was no other choice but resists. People had no choice to pour into streets and sacrifice themselves. One of the biggest reasons for the failure of the coup attempt is the lack of not having traitors in the law enforcement that they could cooperate with.”

“Worse massacre would happen in Turkiye than in Egypt”

Yılmaz said, "Worse massacre would happen in Turkey than the one happened in Egypt. And it can be seen in this direction that the Turkish people saw the massacre after the coup in Egypt and the bad situation in the aftermath. People have resisted this coup at the expense of their lives, and they are defeated coup by Allah's will.” (Fırat Arslan - ILKHA)