Presidential Spokesman Ibrahim Kalın met with journalists in the Presidency Complex and answered questions about the agenda.

Kalın pointed out that President Erdoğan was the one who defended the process of constitutional amendment the most, "Being the leader with this process who advocates the most and is the leader that brings Turkiye to the agenda, of course, this subject will be in a workshop by him at the point of describing our citizens. It will continue to work in this framework, it is too early to give answer what kind of referendum process will be followed."

Regarding the proposal for constitutional amendment, Kalın said, "The additional contribution to the system is great importance for Turkiye’s government. With the expression of our President, it is aiming for Turkiye that does not skate, a country that goes to 2023 with a fast, decisive and effective management. More effective, a management style that does not have double heading is aiming. I hope that when the subject go to citizens, they will give big support. Indicators are already in this direction."

"France will go to general elections and prolonged the emergency state." said Kalın, who gives the example of a referendum in the emergency state process, and added "Nothing is going to affect the citizen's referendum and free will."

"Fight against FETO is not a matter to be completed from today to tomorrow"

On the reminder of President Erdoğan's remarks on the testimony of FETO’s confessor Kalın said: "The President's concern is that some of the FETO member who testified as confessors tried to mislead the target and that their information did not correspond to a lot of other information. This organization has the potential to make crypto elements sleepy cell bringing in. It is a process that needs to be carried out sensitively. It does not act with perception, people who have responsibility in case of acting on concrete information and documents. But it is not an easy process, I have to say."

"Our expectation from Astana; the regime and the opposition continue ceasefire"

Kalın answered on the question about the anticipations of the Astana talks and said, "Turkiye, Russia, Iran, 3 guarantor countries, guarantors of the ceasefire. 2 days ago the opponents decided to join the talks of Astana. MIT Undersecretary Hakan Fidan had a lot of intense efforts. The regime and the opposition must agree on the continuation of the ceasefire, the mutual understanding of how the modalities of the political transition process will be, the third one to establish new mechanisms for the delivery of humanitarian aid. The international community has failed in the class again. I have personally conducted these negotiations. Some of Western countries urged for the delivery of aid, weeks have passed, we have not seen any aid in the field. Three countries and probably the US, the Trump administration, will be playing a facilitating role in Astana."

Kalın indicated that it is important for Iran to be in the process and added, "Because it is an effective actor in the field. Iran has an existence in Syria in the last 1.5 years, and it will want to preserve it."

"There are two basic conflict positions with Obama administration"

Referring to the relations with the United States, Kalın said, "There are two main conflicts with Obama administration: one is the support given to YPG/PYD, the second is the attitude of the attachments about the FETO. We have meeting with the new administration. It is early to say something. Trump administration has taken an approach that takes account of Turkiye's sensitivities in the region and its concerns about security and that it is going to protect it. 'The safe zone should have been established' words is an important support given to our President. We will discuss in detail what we will do after he take over the mission." (ILKHA)