In April 2016, which were declared by the putschist Abdulfettah es-Sisi and caused great reactions, it was once again come to the agenda to give the Tiran and Sanafir islands to the Saudi administration. The decision to leave the two islands named Tiran and Sanafir in the Straits of Tiran in the Red Sea to the Saudi administration was presented to Parliament for approval.

In April 2016, during the first visit of Saudi King Selman bin Abdulaziz to Egypt, putschist Sisi was charged with selling the islands to Saud administration after the explanation of the billion dollar aid package, signing of the new sea border agreement and leaving the islands to Saudi Arabia with.

In exchange for the accusations, the Egyptian junta administration claimed that the two islands were actually Saud land, and that in 1950 the king of Saud demanded that these two islands be placed under guardianship of Egypt.

On top of that, the high court of Egypt, which broke the agreement in June, ruled that the islands belonged to the Egyptian territories and that they were under the sovereignty of the Egyptian people.

The Sanafir and Tiran islands in Straits of Tiran have a very strategic location. Tiran Island is located at the entrance of the Straits of Tiran, which separates Gulf of Aqaba from the Red Sea, while the face of the island, located 6 kilometers east of the Sinai Peninsula, and is 80 square kilometers. Sanafir Island, 4 km east of Tiran island, and is 33 square kilometers in size. (ILKHA)