Father of 2 children Burhan Doğruyol’s drama is heartbreaking at the age of 25, lost his arms and legs by being caught in an electric current in the town of Viranşehir.

Burhan Doğruyol, who resides in the Kışla neighborhood of Viranşehir, lost both arms and legs by being caught in the electric current in the construction he was working a year ago. Doğruyol, who has been treated for months in a hospital in Diyarbakir, has asked for help from the philanthropist and authorities by expressing that his father has bought prosthesis for his feet with the money borrowed from friends and that he does not have the possibility of getting prosthetics for his arms.

Doğruyol, the father of two children is trying to hold the life without his arms and legs "I worked in construction a year ago and the iron that I took to the second floor of the building was hit by a high-tension line. I was heavily wounded by the electric current and I was sent to a hospital in Diyarbakir. I have lost both arms and legs. I have been bedridden for 6 months and then I have borrowed some from my father's friends, and with some help of the authorities, I have put prosthetics for 20 thousand Turkish Liras."

"I want to take my children on my lap and caress their heads"

Doğruyol said that he did not have the possibility to buy prosthesis for his arms, said, "I am trying to do my subsistence with the minimum wage that I have receive from the state. I cannot provide our subsistence with this money. I want to wear a prosthesis for my arm but I cannot afford to get it without help. I want to take my children on my lap and caress their head like everyone else. I haven’t been taking my children on my lap for a year. I want to reduce the burden of my wife. I am waiting for help from all the authorities and charitable people to wear prostheses for my arms.”

"I will look after my husband for lifelong"

Fidan Doğruyol, said that she wants help from the authorities and charitable owners for her husband’s arms, said "I have no problem to look after my husband for a lifetime. My husband is so upset because he is in this situation. He says ‘I wish I had hands, I cannot do anything.’ He itches but he cannot scratch himself. He cannot even drink a glass of water. He can’t stand his children if they fall next to him. I feel very sad when I see his sadness. I want help from the authorities for my husband's arms."

"Dedaş's negligence and guilt"

The reason for the loss of arms and legs of his brother, DEDAŞ [Electricity Distribution Corporation] is the negligence defending Kasım Doğruyol, "We were working with my brother Burhan. Where we work, high-tension lines were passing by 1 meter distance from the building. Because of the loss of my brother's arm and leg DEDAŞ’s of negligence and guilt." (ILKHA)